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A member registered Oct 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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You're absolutely correct! Someone else pointed this out, and it was fixed elsewhere, but not here. Thank you for the reminder, and the table has been updated to match!

Running a one shot tonight for some friends! icons from here!

Just dumping what I've got refined in case anyone wants to take a peek.

Character Attributes


Breaking things down, melee, climbing


Manual dexterity, shooting, acrobatics, speed


Hacking, engineering


Social situations, keeping cool

Basic Actions

Often characters will want to do something not explicitly covered by the rules. Whenever this happens it’s up to the GM to set a difficulty for the task and choose an attribute. The character must score that many successes with a single roll of that attribute.

Examples of Basic Actions: Breaking Something. Acrobatics, 

0 Simple

1 Easy

2 Normal

3 Difficult

4 Hard

5+ Exceptional

Extended Actions

Extended actions are similar to a basic action in that the GM chooses an attribute and difficulty, but they are rolled over a series of turns rather than all at once. A character’s whole turn is devoted to their extended action. So long as a character rolls at least one success on each of their turns, it is added to the total they need to succeed. If they roll no successes, the action is in danger of failure, if on their next turn they again have no successes, the action fails catastrophically, with consequences determined by the GM. By GM approval another character can swap out and work on the extended action, but the risk of a catastrophic failure remains.

Examples of Extended Actions: Hacking, Climbing

3 Simple

5 Easy

7 Normal

9 Difficult

12 Hard

15+ Exceptional

Melee Combat

Get into hand to hand combat by spending an aggressive action and attack any one adjacent opponent. Both the attacker and the attacked immediately roll their modded Smash dice and whoever rolls more success takes 1 trauma. On a tie, both characters take 1 trauma.


Everything has a breaking point; when and how things break is measured by their trauma grid. The trauma grid is a series of boxes, tracked left to right, then top to bottom. Take 1 trauma? Fill in 1 box. Some boxes along the grid may cause effects when filled in, like -1 D6 or +1 TN to each action. These effects persist until the trauma that filled the box is healed/repaired.


Not all wounds are created equal. When something causes trauma, it rolls any crit dice it has available. For each ‘1’ rolled, the target takes 1 additional trauma.


When a character’s last box is filled in, they drop to the ground and start bleeding out. For anyone other than a BDH they go unconscious and either immediately die, or will die very soon without medical intervention. BDHs on the other hand get to cling to a sliver of consciousness and are able to make any one action before slipping off into the darkness. Players get to decide when their BDHs die in bleedout, and if a player wishes, their BDH’s final action in life gets a +3 D6, TN-1 if they declare they die while doing it.

Fire Fight Ranged Combat

Have a gun, but don’t know how to use it? Open fire by choosing a target you can see and spending an aggressive action. Attacker and target roll their modded Flash and compare successes. If the attacker has more successes, the target takes 1 trauma. In a tie, or if the target has more successes they can return fire.

Returning Fire!

Follow the rules for Fire Fight, but the original target has their Flash modded by -1D6 and +1TN. Returned fire cannot trigger another returned fire.

Take Cover!

If you don’t want to get shot, best get behind something that’ll keep you safe! When starting a scene the GM will describble any cover present. Light cover has enough room for a single character to hide behind and gives 1 D6 protection, while heavy cover can hide up to three characters and gives 2 D6 protection. Characters can spend a move action to hide behind any available cover not fully occupied.

Protection Dice

Keep your head down behind armor, cover, or concealment and you might just live to see another day. When targeted by a ranged attack or while in melee a character should roll their protection dice separately from their Flash/Smash dice. If they would have taken trauma, add any successes they got from their protection dice to their original total. Winning or tieing with protection successes means the attack strikes the cover or whizzes by their heads. When winning or tying with protection successes, characters cannot return fire and do not cause melee trauma.


Grenades are expendable equipment that can damage a group of characters or force them out of cover. Choose a piece of cover or a character and roll Flash. With one or two successes the grenade goes wide and explodes ‘harmlessly’. With three or more successes the grenade lands in the midst of the targeted cover or at the character’s feet. Any characters by the grenade must make a Flash roll. So long as they roll 2 or more successes they get out of the way of the explosion, but must abandon their cover, becoming Exposed. On one or no successes they take trauma from the grenade.

Decided a couple days ago to write a game as a palette cleanser while revising a different project. Then I stumbled across this jam on a reddit thread, and here I am! First pages of initial concept/mechanics!

(2 edits)

Mythic Chronicle  ~ Stormrest is a tabletop game, with miniatures combat in the vein of Mordheim, Frostgrave, and Heroquest, but played Co-op or Solo. It also features an intuitive system for generating a campaign and story, encouraging everyone at the table to add to and develop an ongoing chronicle.

Currently running a launch sale from now until the end of Nov!

Below is a sample of the combat system.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

Great little game, really enjoyed the bit where the rock imprinted on the player and called her Mommy.  Art looks really good too!

Thank you so much!  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!