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A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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The game doesn't have a set release date but since they just hired authenticity readers we should start hearing news about updates soon.

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If you like Baxter he's a romance option in Our Life Begining and Always, there's a dlc specific for Baxter in that game.

Thank you so much!

I'd greatly appreciate a name pronunciation, I'm not sure I am saying Qiu name correctly in my head I thought it was like "Q" but Google says it would be similar to "chee oo" like "chew" I think?

If you get the game semi voice acted I really hope they voice the characters introducing themselves the very first time.

Thank you so much, I really like the comic style I just wanna compare the styles. I'm glad the color assistant names the colors, I struggle with my greens and blues.

(1 edit)

Just general feedback, I wish I could make the text bigger on the phone version I currently have it set to maximum size and it's still very small for me. I also don't see a way to switch from comic version to visual novel version. It would also be nice if the colors were named on the character creator.