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A member registered Oct 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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yes i could, just as the controls (for the first ship) are hard and the iron and sand ores are scattered far apart, so if you fump on the first ship and fall offc(happend a couple of times) it takes much time to get another ship. So the 2 main tips from me: add some kind of sprint thing  and increase the iron and glass spawn rate.

(1 edit)

as the other comments its a really fun base for a full game, its really nice with the phisics and the building, there is just one thing at the beggining you really cant find iron fast (apart from the starter crash site ofcourse), maby you could add a sprint thing so you can run around faster when you dont have a rocket. but overall its a really really great game.

you also could increase the iron spawnrates.

but its just such a nice game the building the gravity it just fits the style