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Copperspont Games

A member registered Aug 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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Tight little system with enough mechanical flair to feel full but easily understandable and playable immediately. 5 stars!

Great layout and cool little map. Simple system and evocative setting/encounters table. Love it. One question - rules state 8 or above and 6 or less for roll results, but 7 is left out. Could that be a mixed result, or bad result without loss of Resolve, or simply a typo? Thanks for these games, I very much enjoy all of your weekly one-pagers.

Another solid weekly one-page. Just enough info and evocative setting. Five stars.

Thanks for the thoughtful commentary! I love the idea of the Tower as a "cloak". I originally thought of it as a one-shot insert kind of game for established characters in an established world (which would mitigate some of the issue you're taking with the sparse instructions) - but with the option to run it as a stand-alone. I'll definitely drop a play-through summary, or if I can convince my table to do a video even better, at some point. Thanks again for taking the time to comment!

Thank you! Will rectify

Thank you!

Super cool idea and while it's a solo game it could easily be played with the right crew of folks - either handing off tapes or having cohorts. Beautiful layout too

Cool setup/structure with simple mechanics! Run new characters or use as an intermediate adventure for already-built ones from other systems. 5 stars!

Thank you!

Very cool TTRPG-ization of the Calvino. 5 stars!

Picturesque setting, good tables, and clever mechanic. 5 stars!

The first two rounds of Community Copies are gone. Hoping to add some more soon.

Simple and flexible! My regular group played this this weekend and we loved it!

Super smooth - five stars. If you like BOMISO check out the more fully fleshed out Five Fudge:

Such a cool premise and handling of asymmetry between playbooks. Well worth whatever you can pay for it!

You're welcome! Thanks for all the work bringing these games to life!

Great minimalist system that's elegant and adaptable. My regular group loves it.

If you don't know TinyDungeon and its various offshoots, you should. The 2d6 mechanic is simple and smooth with mix-and-match traits to fill out character profiles. Once you learn the game, you know all the genres they have to offer.  Optional rules, bestiary, adventure generator, and microsettings make this a solid fantasy option.


Thank you! Glad that came across.

HUNT community · Created a new topic 5-stars!

Nicely tweaked Lumen 2.0 dice-less system combined with grid combat in a one-shot format. The game favors both narrative exploration and tactical combat in different phases and nicely integrates the two via a very slick pacing/difficulty mechanic. The art is fantastic and the layout is clean and clear but with really great style. Well worth it.

(1 edit)

Versatile and powerful game that foregrounds your character's (actually Persona's) emotional journeys. A mix of asymmetrical and basic mechanics makes this both simple and capable of complexity. 5 stars, without question.

The Killing Stone is a story-first TTRPG set in the near future. Female samurai and fox spirits (among others) battle techno-fascist warlords!

Beautiful, imaginative settings useable with any system...but buy Slayers too because it is excellent.

Sweet SRD extracted from LIGHT (get that too!). Versatile and modular - as evidenced by the array of very cool Lumen-powered games available on itch.

5 Stars - very cool, easy mechanics, and room for deep storytelling in a streamlined package.