I'd like to try it, but the download doesn't give me an option to download it to my folder, or really, at all
For the life of me I can't figure out the other two endings
Okay, I think I just fixed mine after I tried something. If you have multiple versions of it still installed. try deleting all the previous versions folders and leave the latest and play from there. Everything that should be currently be open, opens
That's what I've been wondering for months
Annoyingly enough this isn't the first game to do this to me too
Install doesn't give me an option
Nah, like the "install version" kind of thing, it's happened to me before with other games where it's just...nothing
Doesn't give me the option to download...
Doesn't give an option to download
Too large I'm afraid
Is there a way to adjust the resolution?
My god I hope this does well! ^_^ Do hope sound design kicks up as well