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A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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great update but some friendly advice, I would change how you describe Sakura when hiding with her under the table. people might get the wrong idea/impression of you if you start going around describing the character’s as “Child/Children” and I know that there are subtle hints to imply that maybe the characters are not 18+ but you have to state they are by Law and I turn a blind eye simply because it’s animation. It teeters on a fine line, for example: Dana looks young but can pass off as 18+ just barely but her lack of knowledge when it comes to 18+ topics is non existent, you would think she would understand these topics but she doesn’t. this is what I’m willing to turn a blind eye towards but openly stating “Sakura is a cute Child” <Not the exact sentence used but pretty much what the original means> could turn unwanted eyes on you. though I’m sure Many people don’t care it is still something you should try and avoid. I personally don’t really care because it’s just a game and it’s not real but Many people will probably turn on you.

Bro, just uninstall. why would I have the answer to a sick fucking game.

спасибо за быстрый ответ, я пишу вам по-русски, так как вы сказали, что это ваш родной язык, насколько я понимаю. Я буду продолжать наблюдать за развитием этой игры и не могу дождаться того дня, когда она наконец будет закончена и отполирована.

you fixed so many fucking bugs I got tired of reading them after 100, and yet I’m still 100% sure that as soon as I launch this new update I will get another infinite loop bug. I’m also very very impressed at the dedication you have, I really do love this game and it’s concept but I hate the thousands and thousands of bugs it has. I hope in the future all the bugs will be resolved, also just one more thing, please make it when your talking about a female character you call it a “SHE” not a “HE” I really hate it when it’s talking about a female character and calls it a “HE” it’s kind of a turn off ngl. so Female is “SHE” and Male is “HE” please try to at least fix this one for my sake.

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I know you have just finished updating the game to v0.16.2 and released a new version to the public 8 months ago but I was just wondering when you plan to release a new version to the public since it’s been a while. great game btw, I finished it about 3 years ago and came back around 7 months ago to finish v0.15.3.

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If I hated the game, which I stated I did not, then I would not waste my time even writing a review let alone finish the game, and this statement will close any further conversations between us. So please don’t write to me again as that would indicate you starting an argument that is truly beneath me.

We each have our own opinions and our takes on the game, I wouldn’t expect us all to have the same opinion. and not to be rude as English may not be your first language but I suggest you at least re-read what you wrote and make sure you are spelling proper words because it hurt my head trying to read that 4th grader mess.

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My Official review, the story seems interesting and I really got into it but that’s about all this game has to offer. the battles are complete garbage but can be easily fixed, here are my suggestions for chapter 2 if it ever gets made. first of all the fact that you have limited time to train your stats before the game automatically pulls you to the next story event is the worst possible thing you can do, you mind as well trash the game at that point because it gives players no way of beating the fights if they trained everything in say stamina or health. at some points I did a pixel of damage to my opponent. I want to be able to decide when I want to continue the story and when I just want explore and train. also the game is nowhere long enough to get the full content out of the dungeon because you only unlock half of it if your lucky, sure you continue playing but if it’s not saving your progress then what’s the point? scrap the story pulling it’s that simple, let the player decide when the story continues and when it does not. I promise this will affect the game positively. 2nd I love the fact that you can be Evil and you don’t hold back, a lot of people don’t do that so props to you. I’m a sucker for an Evil MC. 3rd, the story is ok, I can tolerate it and it’s definitely better then some other stinkers out there but sometimes you drag on for way too long about a topic or two. 4th, The MC’s Hero outfit is the most Retarded thing, he may as well be called a Super Special then a Super Hero, definitely need some new threads for sure, unless you want him to look like a fucking goober. other then that I enjoyed the game and I definitely played worse but I definitely played better. this is not a hate Review just some things for you to think about and ways you can improve, after all we all learn and improve from our mistakes. It’s only human. 5/10

P.S. I’m just glad I pirated the game and didn’t buy it. If Chapter 2 is better and you put some effort in making it better then it’s predecessor then you can have my money, but until then my money will stay in my pocket.

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I’m going to play this game for the first time so this is not my Official Review But I have a suggestion. as a first timer on the page my main focus is usually on the (Tags). you put (Visual Novel with some Sandbox/RPG features) as your Tags. that gives me Zero info bro just saying, maybe update that with all the tags, for example, Creampie, Master/Slave, Pregnancy, you get the idea, as a consumer I want to know what options and route this game is going to take me through. I will be back with an Official Review when or If I complete the game.

I wish I was being sarcastic But I’m not lying when I say it is indeed on F95. But I do agree that even if you pirate something and you enjoy it you should Always make sure to give a donation or a Purchase to help the developer, because lets be honest, If you pirate something you like and never give the dev any love then your just scum at that point.

Bro got his little cousin in the fold? That’s Wild NGL. love the game though so you do you man.

I replayed the game and you don’t have to worry. the only reason the cards where removed was because there stories have changed and some re-coding took place resulting in the removal and changes, other then that the game definitely improved.

go for it lmao

Only took an hour

I cant believe a new update is here. just a couple concerns I have. 1, with Dona’s fate card being removed and Dana and Chloe’s quest progress being removed does that mean that these characters are no longer going to be in the game? if so then Big L because there story was my favorite one to fallow and if this is the case can you please tell us why you decided to remove there quests and fate card. thank you and keep up the great work.

someone can probably give you there save file in the discord.

Thanks for the reply and from someone who is a big Skyrim player I always love some good lore. I will add this game to my steam Wishlist, I can’t wait to see what you have come with. p.s. some people will say that lore is boring but never listen to them, a good story always needs good lore so take every opportunity you can to inject some. Sincerely: Lord Shadow

October is a long ways away but I can’t wait till the new update. keep up the amazing work. I may not be supporting you financially but I am supporting you by Rating this game 5 stars.

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I almost lost hope in this game, I thought it was abandoned after 2 years of silence but decided to stay fallowed just in case a miracle happened. I’m so glad this game has not been abandoned. keep up the great work. I really liked this game a couple years ago so I’m excited to see what is new what’s changed.

V0.9.5 is on F95, I would post the link but itch wont let me, who the fuck wants to pay for porn am I right?

I got the email. I will teach you how to install and play APK,s without the use of 3rd party applications like JoiPlay

I’m all for the evil shit, that’s why I like this game so much because other people tend to stay away from the fucked up shit. I love being Evil.

go for it. you can send them here or to my email if you wish.

Might have died, or left. I hope not because this game is actually really fun.

not sure if this is intended or not but when you give agent 17 the mission to give you handmade chocolate and her panty you tell her that it’s your locker and when she is finished she says that she put the items in your locker. my point is she now knows who the mc is and wondering if this was intended or if we are supposed to stay anonymous from her.

this game is really fun and I love it, But grinding money is very tedious so a cheat code for money is needed imo.

How can I help?

at least you get money for it….. oh wait nvm cuz you can’t even use it lmao.

do I still need the 17.2 patch if I just downloaded 17.2?

Hey I don’t know what I did but I can freely move the file around now. thank you for the recommendation and have a good day.

I downloaded the game but I cant move the file folder from my downloads to my Itch Games file folder because it says it need admin privs but when I give it admin privs to do so it says folder access denied and that it needs admin privs despite me just giving it admin privs. this is the only itch game to do this so you need to fix it or my PC is Protecting me from malicious code. lets hope it’s just something simple and not you trying to steal my data.

No worries, I can tell that you are not the best at the English Language so I can see how it may be unclear at times. Have a great day.

The release dates are the first thing you read so assuming you’re not a retard and can read, I’ll tell you just in case you missed it. If you are not a supporter on Patreon or Subscribestar then you will get it here on itch on Feb 11 no matter how much you paid. if you paid for it on itch then that is simply a donation and does not grant you the privilege of early access.

I’ve almost given up on ever seeing anything new and just followed the account just in case, and oh boy, I’m glad I did.

Depends on what device you are using, it is different for each one.

That is so much information to go off of thank you, here is the solution to your problem. step one, what device are you playing on. step two, try multiple ways of installing. Step three, Don’t use a 3rd party app. Step four, if on ChromeBook Use the terminal to install. If all else fails, give up and go home, It just wasn’t meant to be.

All android devices have a 2GB limit for apk’s but you can change that limit by going into your developer settings. you can not change this limit if you are useing a 3rd party service. on ChromeBook it is much simpler to change the limit, just simply change your linux storage, it sets it to 5GB default and will ask you to change it on set up. on phone/tablet it is more complex. do not come back to me for help, I just hate how everyone does not know how to use Android. It’s not that hard, like how old are you? 60?

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Or you can turn on developer mode on your android device, in my opinion this is better because you can play around with a lot of new features and don’t need a shitty 3rd party app.

if you are on phone/tablet you must go into settings and find the (Build Number) if you have trouble google it. then just tap your build number 5-10 times or until it says dev mode is on.

for ChromeBook it is a little bit more complicated so I’m sure you can find a YT vid about it.

I read through the current tags and noticed male domination, does this mean That The MC can be dominated? and if so is it avoidable? thank you for your time.

Big thanks, I’m just trying to sort out the Patreon code thing so It will be a day or two before I can test it out.