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A member registered Feb 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi there! I am currently establishing a team.

Before we get started, let me introduce myself. My name's Costin, and I have around 3 years of experience in programming and Unity. I created this team a few days ago (prior to this post's date). My role is project manager and lead programmer. I am currently advertising as the team lacks a few roles here and there.

=== TEAM GOALS ===

The goal of our team is having fun collaborating with others, adding to our portfolio, and potentially creating an audience, if not (in the future) even making money if we're lucky enough.

As obvious as it is, we will all be paid once we takeoff, so expect to do this out of passion.

I also strive to achieve the impossible, which means making a stable team. I would highly prefer that you have enough free time to work in the team, and that you will be available for some time (at least 3 months).

As proof of concept, this is my own itch.io page: link

Play as Jesse Wayne, the newest staff member at The Desperado Motel in New Mexico, 1999. Perform all the fun tasks to keep a motel running during the night shift: answer guests' queries, clean the facilities, and uncover the truth about the motel's history of human sacrifices.

=== YOUR JOB ===

Here are the primary roles we are looking for:

  • 3D artists
  • UI/UX designers
  • Programmers [Unity]

This is going to be something serious, and as I mentioned earlier, inactivity and poor effort is not tolerated. I have a task management system ready.

=== ARE YOU READY? ===

If you are willing to join, you can join this discord server and fill the recruitment form (in the #info-board channel) there: discord

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or DM me on discord (my name is Costin).

Hello there, Hirokusha! We may not be making a part 2 or a full version any time soon, but we are currently planning to make a fantastic 3D adventure game focused on future tech. If you are interested for more info, you may reply or  check out my post in help offer/needed page.

(7 edits)

Hi there! I am currently establishing a team.

=== TEAM GOALS ===

The goal of our team is having fun collaborating with others, adding to our portfolio, and potentially creating an audience, if not (in the future) even making money if we're lucky enough.

As obvious as it is, we will all be paid once we takeoff, so expect to do this out of passion.

I also strive to achieve the impossible, which means making a stable team. I would highly prefer that you have enough free time to work in the team, and that you will be available for some time (at least 3 months).

=== YOUR JOB ===

The roles we are NOT looking for (we have enough) are:

- Composer

We may accept any other role. Here are the primary roles we are looking for:

- 3D artists

- UI/UX designers

- Programmers

The game engine that we will be using is Unity, so if you are a programmer, you should be experienced with Unity.

This is going to be something serious, and as I mentioned earlier, you must be active. I have a task management system ready.


Play as Jesse Wayne, the newest staff member at The Desperado Motel in New Mexico, 1999. Perform all the fun tasks to keep a motel running during the night shift: answer guests' queries, clean the facilities, and uncover the truth about the motel's history of human sacrifices.

=== ARE YOU READY? ===

If you are willing to join, you can join this discord server and fill the form there:  


If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or DM me on discord (my name is Costin).

Hi there, I'm a unity programmer looking for someone to work with for the game jam. While I do not have a portfolio, I strive to do my best on this game jam.

You may add me on discord: Costin#6214.

Would you like to join a small game studio I'm currently trying to establish? We have not released any game yet, but we need some volunteering (non paid) work.

If you are interested to be am writer, DM me on discord: Costin#6214

You are the troller.

Then do the same on your iphone. they called it iOS, but the truth is that it's actually Windows 10 but redesigned.

It's not necessarily a garbage collector that will stop memory leakages. it could be that he instantiated the game textures and sounds every ms (or game tick).

Also i'm not an expert or something, that's my thought.

Are you using build 19043 on Windows 10? or did you move to Win 11? If you're on 11, then you can't run.

Windows 10 build 19043 however should allow you to run it.

Then do what i said. run it as administrator. also did you tried setting the color-DPI to 16 bit?

Did you tried the executing the exe as administrator on the phone? maybe that works.

If not, try compatibility mode by right clicking it, properties, then Compatiblity on the phone.

also install Visual C++.

I still need someone to make games with.


Oh yeah, If I do not respond to you on discord, then wait. I am EET.

(3 edits)

So as the title suggests, I am seeking for a game artist that will help me in making video games. I need a long time artist that will be serious and will make a video game team with me.

I will pay ONLY if the game gets any money (dividing if got any other members)

I'd preffer some sort of illustration artist capable of making simple 2d signs and objects. Take an example at the game "Mini Motorways" (that ofc inspired me and I liked it), HOWEVER, that doesn't necessarily mean I can't use other types and feels of art.

 Most of my game projects were private, as most of them were too unfinished, simple, or with lack of features or art.

Also I do not really need a pixel artist, unless the art is not too blocky, like having a RTS game style, but not a 2d Minecraft style.

And finally, after you have read all of this, understood my requirement as well as the payment disclaimer, then you can collaborate with me, 

Discord: Combine Elite no. 6214#6214.

STATUS: ON HOLD, do not add me friend.

I will change the discord name as it seems too hard. and yeah, I'm a HL fan.

Why the world is full of dumbasses... they shouldn't even have a computer if they can't use one..

Simply don't move the executable apart from the other game files. make a shortcut, else sell your pc/laptop and stop using one.

You can at any time tell us or any other friends or people any ideas for their games or the community here. you can also tell us ideas to improve our Game Jam.

Thanks for your comment.

Unfortunately, the game's development state is very very early, and many features aren't there.

we are planning on adding more exciting features in the future. check the  game sooner for exciting content.

it reminds me of Dani. maybe you copied him, but your bad game is better than his worse bad game.

i need artists.

Run the .apk, it is like the .exe executable from windows.

wow that was really cool

wow that was really cool

Thanks, i will try to use them in my unity game Ed Kami Pro Runner.

1 month passed and no updates? It is already march.

(1 edit)

hmm, didn't changed after January? This is weird.

I will test the game now which I rooted and resented now, it may work.

Edit: looks like something created that lag. It works perfectly now. By the way, how many developers you got? I may assist you in bugs if I find, same as developing if possible but not scripting.

help I cant play. I mean I can, but it lags like hell.

I use s9+ and I didn't lag in the older version. 

Good performance, and never happened to other games (unless sandbox ones creating lot of things)

it lags like hell for me. When I enter  a level, it starts being unplayable.

I use s9+ 

I played many other sort of games and it worked fine.

Also, the pistons are bad, if you put finger at the head, it just instantly moves out.

Hopefully you soon add a star system and maybe settings with graphic (in case).

Also, I got the idea to add editor, and so, launch small updates every week just for bugs and new features without resetting level.

I know that a developer does hard work, and being paid will make him be able to advance, so, maybe for March 30, maybe publish it on Google play and add an ad which make sure you will put the name on it, so that they wont steal you. I seen many ads made from small reactions from youtubers.

Loot it! community · Created a new topic S9+ performance

The older update before February it worked without lag.

Now, in february, it lags like hell.

Since new levels are added, I believe it is the cause of working levels in background, so please don't let levels hide in background, because I think the phone will load all that graphics and ruin fps.

Didn't tested all levels because of that much lag. Also, add version names like li.feb2020 to remind the current version.

Li means loot it, while feb2020 is the date.