Play the second after the first, it's just a straight continuation. As for installing them: it doesn't matter, you can have them both at the same time, or you can do them one at a time.
I can't post links here, sorry - the last time I did it got my whole account/game auto banned for a week. If you want to join the discord server and ping me, I'll post them there.
Yeah, the new UI is causing save issues at the moment. If your save is broken, you can just start a new game and select the options to skip to whatever update you left off on.
Glad to hear you liked it! And yeah, Catherine's probably my favourite at the moment, though I've felt that about every one of the girls at one point or another, and it constantly changes.
Wow, thanks! I always love to hear that people are rereading it! Unfortunately the graphics are made in Honey Select 2 Studio, which Steam counts as another game, so it can't be put on there.
Sorry, I'm not doing official translations while the game is still in development - keeping up with a dozen different languages on a 3 month release cycle would just be too much.
Hey, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I responded on discord, but in case you don't see it I'll repeat it here:
Pre-0.11 saves won't work in 0.11 unfortunately. However, if you start a new game you'll be able to skip right to the 0.11 content, so you shouldn't have to replay anything.
Hmm, that's not a problem I've had reported before. Probably a dumb question: but I assume you have sufficient space on your device for it? Other than that, I would suggest deleting the files and re-downloading it - sometimes things can get mangled in the download process.
It's a reused image from part one that I should have put into part two (it's just a picture of the front door to the cafe), so it's a bug. It should be fixed for the next release.