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A member registered Jul 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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I'm so glad you love it! I can't thank you enough for giving it (and me) a chance and for your kind words <3 

Hi Zilli!

I am so so sorry for this mix up - but it appears I made a typo on the main page - 29.10.221 is the latest version! If you can play the Halloween Special in the Extras menu, then you are up to date! (I have now fixed the main page with correct version number)

Again, I am so sorry for my error and hope I haven't caused you too much trouble!

<3 MC

Hi Marquis!

I do have a Patreon (that I only just recently started) if you would like to check it out :) I have a few things in the works at the moment~ I do also plan to use Kickstarter again in future, once I have everything ready and set up for at least one of my future projects.

Thank you again for playing and enjoying Quantum Suicide :D

<3 MoltenCherry

P.S - If you enjoy merchandise, I am working on an online store via my website that I will launch once all the Kickstarter backer physical rewards are sent out :D

Hi Marquis! 

Thank you so much for playing QS and enjoying it so much! This comment has made my day :D 

I am working on future patches and updates to improve the QS experience as well as other content~ Please follow me on Twitter for the most up to date news and content! :D

<3 MoltenCherry

Hi Jdogz!

Sorry it still isn't working! Please leave it with me and I will try to work out a solution. :) (Sorry it may take me a few days as I need to find someone with a MAC to help me problem solve)

<3 MoltenCherry

Hi Jdogz :)

To get the MAC version to work (I am not sure if this is what you are doing, so tell me if this isn't working)

- Download the demo

- Unzip the demo (if you don't unzip it first, it will crash when trying to boot)

- Then open the file called: 

Hopefully this should work! Please let me know if it doesn't and I will try to get someone to test - I don't own a MAC :(

<3 MoltenCherry

I have put up a version of the Demo that should work on both Mac and Linux. If you try it and it doesn't work, please let me know! I don't have a Mac to test on this side :D

I. . . have never been asked for a MAC demo! Give me a moment and I will put up a demo that works for Mac and Linux :D

Hi HellWimp!

Thanks for your question :)

Technically, there is two true endings - one for the male route and one for the female route that are both (in a way) intertwined (and the way the game is designed, you will need to experience the game as both to achieve). Both these endings will result in the same true ending achievements and credit unlocks regardless of whether you are a boy or girl. 

Because the true routes almost need each other, I would argue that neither male or female route is default as the game was created from day one to encompass both in meaningful ways :)

I hope this helps! 

<3 MoltenCherry

P.S - an update is coming soon that will add a small amount of content to all romantic endings and true endings! :D So hopefully, they will be even better!

Not at all! These things happen! I am just super glad it is working now :) I will have a major patch coming in the next week or two so please let me know if that doesn't work or you have problems :)

Hi Emi!

It doesn't come with a Steam key - and I am sorry that it isn't extracting for you! This being said, if you want to email me proof you have bought the game on Itch (cottoncandycyanide(at), I will send you a Steam key! :) You shouldn't have to buy the game twice when one isn't working~ (also, if you could send a screenshot of what is happening when trying to extract so I can try to troubleshoot for future players, I would super appreciate that too! :D) 

<3 MoltenCherry

Hi Ghost Clown!
I am so glad you enjoyed it! 

After some feedback, I will be adding some more content to the romantic endings to give a better glimpse into the future :) These should be put in in November~ When I add these, simply start from the timeline to see the extended endings (If you want to!) 

<3 MoltenCherry

Hi Brookdortz!

I am just working that out at the moment - but it doesn't look good ><'. It will take me about 6 months to make it work on Vita and would appear at best to get about 150-200 people to play~ Soooooo, maybe I will make for Switch and PS4 instead ><' Sorry if this disappoints! I am still not at a stage in which I get paid, so it's hard to put in the hours on top of other work I do to pay the bills :D

Hope you understand! :(

<3 MoltenCherry

Hi Booker!

I had a similar issue occur. However, I just closed it and tried to reopen it again through Steam and it appeared to work (I am not sure what is happening). If you go to your save files, do you only have 6 or is there an arrow pointing to the right?


Hey Booker!

Thanks for the comment and the ongoing support <3

If you have any bugs or weird happenings you have noticed (and am willing to spend the time), please email me your screenshots and explanations (in case it isn't clear) and I will do my best to get on top of them! After all, everyone would prefer a better polished game :D

You can send me the screenshots here:


The next patch/update should be live later today! :D

Thank you again for your kind words! It is very easy to let the negative get on top of you so I appreciate you taking the time to be so kind~


Hi Pluie!

I don't want to give any hard spoilers, so I will be saying all this weirdly. . .

To get the password, ideally, you need to find pieces of the code throughout the timelines.

This being said - what you have attempted to use as a password is wrong, but not suuuuper wrong.

Once you have the password correct, it will work on every timeline - there is no requirement to clear other timelines (other than to get the clues) - which, if you look up the answer, you can bypass :)

I hope this has helped without ruining anything for you or others!

<3 MC

Hi Exiisable!!

Thank you so much for your review! (Also, I am incredibly curious as to what happened last time your reviewed on Steam! If this review was a demo, I just bought your game to find out more :P)

I am glad you enjoyed all of the characters and your comment on Katashi's death make me laugh a little - He just can't help looking that good, even in death :P

As for your comment on the endings, I agree with you. The endings ended up as the same formula mainly due to a resources issue. The game was out of money shortly after the legal troubles and so I have been funding it with part time jobs and scholarships for almost 2 years - I know this won't make up for it, but I am in the process of creating extended romance endings - similar to the friendship ones - to give you a snippet into the future and hopefully make the endings feel even just a little more fulfilling. These should be patched in in the coming weeks :)

This is the first game I have ever made, and so your feedback, especially on the endings, is super helpful! I hope that with this experience, I can only make better games for you all <3 I hope you look forward to playing them as much as I am to make them!

Other than following me here (to get progress on work and news etc), I also have a Twitter account and have started a Patreon in the last month! 

Standby for the extended endings and I hope you enjoy the girls side just as much! (I look forward to your updated review!)

<3 MoltenCherry


Just checked Steam version and it also appears to be working - however - there has been more than one patch on Steam. So if it isn't too much trouble, could you please sign out of Steam and back in? For some reason, QS doesn't auto update for some people - hopefully when you log back in you will have a patch to download and it will fix it :) 

Please let me know how it goes! 

Hi RainbowCarp!

Thanks for your message and your appreciation for the Danganronpa- homage :P

As for the VA not changing - Is this what isn't working? (See video of me changing the VA - this video is a recording of the client version!)

(Ignore the terrible screen - I just opened OBS quickly to record this so I can troubleshoot your problem~)

Please let me know so I can try to fix asap for you :)

As for Christmas Everett - I maaaaaaaaybe cleaning it up with plans for a re-release as an inclusion later in the year :P So please don't fret too much :D


Also - this is just an achievement error and won't affect the rest of your game :D (and the versions are the same - sooooo the Steam one is also broken still T.T)

Argh! Thank you for this report!

I have attempted to fix it now twice, and it works on my end, and for some reason no matter what I am doing, it still bugs out when others play! I will take this and attempt for a third time to get this achievement working for the next coming patch :)

Thank you so much for taking the time xeb to let me know about this! This bug haunts my dreams :P

<3 MoltenCherry

Well, I hope you enjoy it <3

(1 edit)

There isn't an official guide just yet, however, some of the players over on Steam have made threads helping with bits and pieces that might have what you are looking for at this point! You can find that here!

I will work on making an official guide and walkthrough! 


Hey Thrawn!

Thanks for your comment and I'm sorry it wasn't for you :( The game does ask for a fair amount of your time and does have many bad endings for you to accidentally end up on T.T

I only included 6 slave slots because of the inclusion of a time line function, but I hear you!! I will work on adding more save slots today and patch it in within the week! So thank you for that! So even if you won't use them, know your input has made future players experience better :D

Again, I am sorry it wasn't for you, but reaaaaly appreciate you giving it a shot!

<3 MoltenCherry

I really do hope you like it!! I will be doing patches and updates in the coming weeks, so it only looks to get better :D

We are live! I hope you all like it (T_T)<3

T.T <3

Will be out on the 10th of October!! :D Thanks for spreading the word~

Hey there Public Lewness :D (Great name by the way!)

I have just received approval for the games large size to be uploaded and am just working out the system to upload and patch when needed :) Should be up sometime this week and when it is, I will do an announcement <3 Sorry for the delay!

Hey Aretsu!
It is still coming to, however, due to it's size I wasn't able to upload it and have to go through support. I am awaiting their help :)

Sorry for the delay! It is my first time putting a game up of this size and I didn't realise it might take days to get approval/assistance :(

(Esto está traducido por computadora, lo siento pero no puedo hablar español) ¡Esperamos que el juego sea lo suficientemente exitoso como para poder financiar traducciones de calidad en el futuro, incluido el español! :) 

At this point in time, English and Japanese - however, depending on the response, I am very interested to get into other languages! The biggest hurdle is the cost :( 300,000 words are not cheap when looking for a quality translation :)

Almost finished! We are hoping to have the game out at the end of the month! We are so sorry it has been delayed due to illness :( 

I wish that was true! But unfortunately, there are no sex scenes. The game only has 'suggestive themes' and is relatively kid friendly - well, as kid friendly as murder can be :D

Its not available yet on mobile platforms - but we will look into porting once the PC and MAC versions are release :)

As in release the game on the Steam platform? It is planned for the same time as You can find the Steam page Here

If that is not what you are asking, I am so sorry I have misunderstood!

Thank you so much for your support!! I am so grateful that you would be happy waiting, but I am doing everything in my power to make that as short as possible <3 

104 days ago eh? fashionably late reply?

Thanks Robinicus! I am glad you like the look of it, and I hope, you will love the final product! PAX was good fun! Hope to see you again in 2019 PAX <3

Hey Platonic Forms!

I have not - however, upon googling it, that will change within 24 hours :P Thanks for the question and the movie suggestion <3 

*Looks at the wiki and gets giddy with happiness* Soon you will have much more to add to the Deletion Game page :)