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Couchplay TV

A member registered Feb 06, 2017 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

Thank you!!! 

So amazing we love it  

we love Dragons :) can we make a mini jump and run game comercially will be with advertising ? 

cute cute super cat cute


Super Fun

Hey FlyingSausage,
we absolutely like your dungeon asset pack and want to use it for a game. our  game idea would be a puzzle like dungeon game. 
Now, to make the game even better i have a small request: Can you add the following items to the pack:

- key,
a switch,
a floor pressure plate? 

The switch and the pressure plates need two images (one for activated and one for default). It would be perfect for a puzzle game. Thank you :) and great work with that asset pack so far :)

What engine did you used? Amazing lovely Game :)   

still an amazing game 


Hi we love your assets and have one question where did you get the island tilesets we would love to buy them ? 

(1 edit)

good concept 

Hi amazing pixel art could you ad Vikings to the bundle? 

Amazing !!!! 

Hi we love your asset, is the licence unlimited in time? We plan to make a story driven game with your amazing assets :) 


thanks great  :)   

amazing art and style :) what engine ? 

Yeah this Game rocks 

AMAZING!!!!! any chance for gamepad support ?  

(1 edit)

Any chance for an browser web version ? 

Great Game! We would love to bring it to Couchplay TV Games to :) Is it Construct 2 or 3 ?  

Hey we love the game 

Hey i missed the sale will it come again ?  We love your amazing graphics  :) 

Love it  

Super Game  

Just one more time that game ROKCS     ; )  

thanks !!  again : )   

(3 edits)

We need this on TV ) amazing thats what racers are 

I so much love the art and style of the amazing pixel pico 8 racer 

Thanks Amazing Job !!! 

What Engine ?  

Amazing Game 

(2 edits)

but still have to figure out how to load a game  


Just played the game again and i love it so much  

This Game is AMAZING    

Couchplay loves the SUNNYSIDE                

Massive Game @jakub we would love to ad your games to our Smart TV Portal COUCHPLAY we love and support PICO-8 Games 

Amazing we use it for an chess Game on Smart TV               


great game

I love it!