To deter minors. Parents would rather sue developers instead of taking accountability. Android devices are significantly more accessible and aren't shared devices like home computers typically are.
Recent community posts
Does your phone itself state that it is incompatible with the APK or the game's main page? If it's the latter then it's just the compatibility detection being poor. Outside listed/known bugs, it runs on my device perfectly on the highest settings without issue, despite the main page stating my device is also incompatible. If it's the phone stating that itself then I don't believe it's the android 15 being the issue itself.
Did you include an email when you went through the purchasing process? You also receive an email after that with a link to the latest download of the game. In that email, below the "Links to Our Apartment" section of the email, you will see a "Your key for customer support reference:" in small but able to be seen print. That digits that follow : is your identifier as a customer.
If you did not supply an email during the purchasing process, I would recommend going onto your banking app and looking for the merchant and transaction IDs. Those can be used to find you on their end of things.
Android devices are the most accessible across the world. It's done as a precaution to deter minors from accessing the game. Windows devices are typically shared among family members so the chances are considerably less. Parents will throw a legal shitfit about anything involving their children. Hence the precaution.
The reason why the other versions don't require it has already been explained to you. Furthermore, the creator is already considering putting the others behind a price tag already as they stated prior in a separate thread. The only reason someone would have an issue with the 5 USD is due to their status as a minor.
Android devices are much more accessible. Windows devices are generally shared amongst family hence why it's free. As in parents are likely to find it installed. Minors frequent itch quite often since the VNs are generally pretty cheap and easy to get into. A lot of Pokemon fangames made with RPG maker made it big on here at one point as well. Ex. Pokemon Mineral.
Samsung 24 Ultra
Model: S928U
OS: Android 14
List of Bugs:
Infinite loading screen. Only a guess but may be caused by high amounts of stat boosts in quick succession. Ex. An hour's worth of multiple stat boosts
Player Customization Menu. Bottom right half of the menu is inaccessible. Ex. Can't change the color of the player's woodpecker.
Pose System Bugs:
Screenshot function is broken. Nothing saves to the device. I'm assuming it has something to do with app permissions.
When changing poses that use only Naomi specifically, the camera will auto default and be stuck on the player's woodpecker. It may also be under the floor completely. Exceptions to the bug are the love pillow pose and poses involving the player.
The pose bug can be circumvented entirely by clicking on outfit focus. You are then free to change the focus and use the other camera controls.