This is really great stuff. Thank you!
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Hey! I'll extend the same apology to you that I did to the comments above! I haven't looked at this for a long time, and I'm sorry I didn't respond until now!
Yes, I had intended for sneaking under difficult circumstances to be something that a normal cowboy or girl wouldn't normally be any good at. You would handle unskilled attempts by fiat (i.e. - let the player description, situation, and fun at the table help the GM decide).
Does that help?
Gosh, two years ago! I haven't checked this stuff in a long time! Please forgive my tardiness!
The way the called-shot rule is intended to work is:
First you make a call: "I am going to try to shoot him in his gun hand."
Next, you roll to see if you hit at all. If you didn't even hit, then the called shot is moot. You missed completely.
Next, if you've rolled a hit, you roll on the location table. If you are shooting for the right hand, any number on the first die 3 and above means you've hit the hand.
The idea is that, although it is a more difficult shot, it would make it so you wouldn't accidentally shoot the person in the head or the foot.
Does that make sense?
Hey! I can't believe I didn't see all of these comments from so long ago! I agree, you should only use the injury roll table if it 1) makes sense, and 2) makes the game more fun! To me, it makes sense in a one-on-one showdown for sure, and only sometimes in other circumstances. Play the way that works best for you and your table!