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Cozy Frog Games

A member registered 36 days ago · View creator page →

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Really adorable art, AND unique take in the theme, the swap of style inside the NPC's mindspace really shakes things up!

Thankyou! Im glad you enjoyed it :3

Thanks for playing! there are a few big glaring issues that weren't apparent until after the jam ended, could have done with some extra eyes while playtesting maybe.

Glad you enjoyed it! thanks for playing :3

That's really impressive then! :D

Thank you so much for the kind words :D we're really glad you enjoyed the game, it was a blast to make!

The mouse may be the greatest achievement in my 3D modelling roster :3 Glad you enjoyed the game!

Thanks for the feedback! If we had more time would have been interesting to have some kind of minimap to let you keep track of the level and items :D

Checked through it and it seems to work fine. Have you tried unpacking all the contents of the zip folder together?

Really enjoyed the concept, was very solid gameplay wise, think just needed a proper tutorial and more variety but overall great job!

I love ants, looks adorable, the music was a banger and loved the layers, game was fun, also think it gave me carpal tunnel :D. Difficulty scaling was maybe a bit too high with increasing enemy spawns and health by one click each time. Would be awesome to see this with some upgrades or even some workers to help the queen like a tower defence. But overall Awesome job!!

I enjoyed the mechanics and style of the game, jumping felt a bit too floaty in my opinion. I think the level design could have done with being smaller, especially on the earlier levels since it ended up feeling far too open and didn't compliment the tightness of the mechanics very well. Overall a good concept tho, great work!

It's a fun little game, a very lovely frog, 2d shadow of the Colossus is a great idea and I'm surprised I've never seen it explored properly :D 

That boy sure can eat, fun little game, made me smile :D

cool platformer, really enjoyed the mechanics although the bindings kept trying to bookmark the page on my browser and I ended up out of bounds a couple of times. solid game though and an excellent concept!

Really Solid game, enjoyed the puzzles a lot, only thing I found was the player would keep the momentum of the key and walk to their death if it was pushed into them. Awesome work :D

Really Solid game, enjoyed the puzzles a lot, only thing I found was the player would keep the momentum of the key and walk to their death if it was pushed into them. Awesome work :D