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A member registered Aug 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really great game. Loved how many of the mechanics weaved into one another as you played.

Fun game :) I think it would be nice to be able to hold down a button to shoot. The aiming seemed a little misaligned and I had to adjust awkwardly to hit the enemies. Overall though I enjoyed it. The ability to combine upgrades was very cool!

A lovely game with some wonderful artwork. The color scheme is really impressive, and the descriptions are well written! 

Very interesting concept, liked it!

This is really amazing, incredible work

Fun little game, the ending made me laugh really hard haha. Awesome cliffhanger :)

I had some trouble running this game - it seems the game defaults to your native monitor resolution. Since I have an ultrawide monitor, all the dialogue and game instructions were cut off on the bottom of the screen. :(

Took me a long time to figure out that I could wall jump, haha. Once I did though it was fun to play!

Really really loved this game! 10/10!

Very fun to play. Controls felt very good and I did actually develop some neat strategies along the way. Well done!