Recent community posts
Hi!!! My name is Cr0wt8t0 (Crow-POtatoe) and I'm starting to develop my own video game alone. I just wanted to post and ask a few questions if you don't mind and could spare some time?
1: what game engine would I use?
2: I have a Intel desktop but it's an i5 with a integrated graphic chip, no actual graphics card. Can I still make a game with that?
3: if I'm new to coding and I don't plan on having a game done for at least 2 more years, what language would I even learn first?
4: I'm not the best at art or drawing but I'm always practicing to improve. What applications could I use for making my own assets? I know they are gonna look a little crusty. But if I can practice now it will help later!
5: how do you stay motivated?....
I appreciate your time and efforts in answering my questions! I hope to put out some great games and I can't wait till I can put out shitty games too. Because with every shitty game, comes a lesson to make the next one better!!