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A member registered May 29, 2024

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Thanks! I guess my brain just always immediately went to the blasting powder and never thought to talk to the bat. In retrospect, I dunno how the chest's hint didn't click XD

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Also, now that I've actually found the gallery, I can't seem to unlock this chest. I assume it's somewhere in the bat mines, but I can't seem to find it. Any help?

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Absolutely adored this. I came for the lewd, but was not expecting the game to be as feature rich as it was. Seriously, my playtime by the end hovered around 15 hours (though a lot of that was due to... reasons ;P) despite me only expecting maybe a 3-4 hour romp. I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of engaging story and character dialogue. I feel like you don't really get that with many other porn games, and I actually do value good story in my lewd stuffs. I absolutely love the four main adventurers and you can really feel their bond. Their personalities shine through so well (I love Kuno!!!!) and nobody really feels out of place. The story kept me engaged all the way through and I'm dying to see where it all ends in the future.

Having the town evolve throughout the game as the workers build it up is a VERY nice touch. It really helps make the whole place feel alive. A lot of other porn games have this weird syndrome where everything feels so static and so obviously game-like.  It's clear that the dev team put a LOT of work in giving the world of Grove personality and life. I don't feel like I'm talking to an NPC that was coded to be there, and that's a hard thing to do in a game without true voice acting. I cannot praise this aspect enough.

The scene writing itself was extremely good and imaginative (and hot!). Detailed, but without being too wordy or flowery. The purple text being used when appropriate got to me a lot more than you'd think, and it really helps the immersion (and... arousal >.<;;). Hypnosis/Corruption is a major tick for me, and I'm pretty picky about how it's written. You guys absolutely nailed it. Knocked it out of the goddamned park. And again, brilliant move with the purple text.

Perhaps my ONLY complaint is that the game is (in my personal opinion) too easy. Part of that could be over leveling (I was level 14 by the time I finished all the content), but part of that is because it's too easy to recover from a bad situation. I can't tell you how many times I was able to loop "Get Up -> Attack -> Get Up -> Attack" to avoid what should have been a certain game over, which becomes basically impossible for the opponent to break out of if you're wearing the Azure Band. Then once the health is low enough, I can just use a grapple move to finish them off. I think future enemies could benefit from shorter grapple sequences (the Wraps enemy benefits from this and is harder to deal with because of it) to make it more difficult to finish enemies off/escape before they finish you off first. You could also make it so that enemies are more inclined to attack you rather than attempt to fuck you if you are at critically low health while prone. I think the game could benefit from this change the most to make it more difficult. That way I'm more inclined to pay attention to my health. Other than that, I'm not sure how to balance the game to make it a more fun challenge. I'm definitely no game dev.

Edit: I'm stupid and found the Gallery. Derp.

Anyways if you actually read all that, thank you and sorry for the wall of text! I absolutely love this game. Thank you so much for all your hard work!