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A member registered Dec 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, that's an interesting question, it is possible but absolutely not automated, and if I do it for someone, that can start generating a lot of requests, in that case, I do not know who will handle that all. I think it can be unfair to others if I do it and then ignore other requests.

Thanks, will do my best for it)

i've created chat there, in private messages is empty

It seems not, I'm a beginner there, let me check

Big thanks)

hi again, very big thanks for reporting

hi, big thanks for the report, will be fixed asap

hi again, it was fixed, check it

thanks for report, will be fixed asap

thanks, doing my best)

looks fun), simple but addictive

Thanks, I'm doing my best. There will be a big update soon, with more content, music, and levels. Also, new games are coming soon, I'll keep my followers in the loop

hi, catalog still blocked for me, I takes pause with it until will have few games released,to it has more sense to apply more efforts in solving it. Sure it will happen but not very soon, game was approved, but no luck with Stripe

Big thanks:)

Hi, thanks for your feedback, I will be updating the game with the new levels pack, I'll accumulate input and will make some tweaks. Make my best for players, and do not forget to rate the game, I ask for that every time, because it is rated too low times and almost lost in the list. thanks in advance

Demo updated

Hi, yes, it was approved for the catalog, but I had some issues with the registration of Stripe. If that will be solved, yes game will be in the catalog, I believe. For now, only itch is available for me. Itch version same as for the catalog, with no difference, if you want you can wait or get it right now right here. Anyway, thanks.

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Hi there, Skyward Battles was released, try that game. Wild Dungeons still a bit on pause, coming soon one more game with a bit lower dev scope. Next will continue with this game.

Thanks, do my best. I hope the game will distributed well and then I'll make an expansion for all who bought that game

Hi there, who likes this game rate it please, it is way too far in the top-rated list, and nobody can find it there. Thanks in advance

Thanks for report about bug. Fixed asap

Hi there, hot fix for level 15 done, update game on your devices, please.

Hi there, v0.9934 uploaded, hot fix after optimization it was crash in the game after mission summary, who have the v0.9933, update the game, please

(3 edits)

Thanks, and sure, it planned for many games, such as platformers with fights possible, racing, some ....vania, etc. it can support different game types. Thanks for the idea, it is also good

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b.t.w it interesting to know which 48k ports you liked to see, may be i can use it for some ideas

Do you mean Speccy games? If yes, that was only one big game, that's MK, one of many tries and only one playable version for ZX, it was many tries by other teams, but only I did it) it was released by AWS in 97. I was a kid and wanted to play it, but I had only Speccy, that was a reason to make it for Speccy. It wasn't commercial, only for fun, but seems pirates earn enough on it that time) In current plans it no any ports, I may use some games as prototypes, but that's will be fully new games

thanks, each next game will have cool soundtracks, and also I'll make an album video on YouTube, but later

thanks for the comment, doing my best)

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Hi there, any feedback? maybe proposals or suggestions? Does anybody want to see an expansion or a second part of that game? too silent here, maybe be this game not good enough, let me know

Hi there. Update the game, please. Fix for upgrades in the last update. Also new option for smoothed camera added

thanks, may be, will be an update with more detailed plane skin, or you mean it looks odd because it turning like it is pinned to the sky? Seems that part of gameplay mechanics, mat be I just can tune-up a physics a bit

no need to refund, thanks

Guys, really? That looks like a SCAM, not a game, I bought that, so let it be my donation for future real games from you. As for me, that game is fair to be free or name your price as a donation. 

Hi there, the new update has been uploaded. Also, new  interesting content in devLog. Take a look, will wait for your comments

Hi. Sure. There will be loot and weapons, but that's just a short demo. B.t.w my device has come, there will be a new demo update optimized,  ASAP

Playdate indie games

thanks for your feedback

Hi there, a new update has come. Try it, please. Waiting for feedback

Hi there, one more update today, light sources added to the game. Also, options in the menu to turn it on/off to compare performance.

hi there, I just uploaded a new update. Try to play, I will wait for feedback. Details in dev-log