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A member registered Aug 02, 2020

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(1 edit)

Tried playing it. A few notes:

- The spinning globe is a major distraction. I had to continuously pan around the globe to keep track of each region's progress.
- The recovery system is way too fast. I was barely able to get a region beyond 20% before they recovered.

Great demo 👍

My biggest suggestion is that there should be a way for the buildings to auto-upgrade themselves & increase their electric demands.

Great game! Instantly recognized the Gnorp Apologue influence.

Managed to beat everyone else and bankrupt them :)

Great game; Can't wait for the multi-processor & marketing features to be shipped :P

The last level definitely took several re-tilings to get it right. Great game!

The days move way too slowly: I'm always putting the game on fast forward and it still feels 5x too slow.

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The 'Enhanced Human' doesn't have a portrait when they're not old.

Further reply: ....My brain can't stop thinking about expanding the 'Personal' game mode. I've already patched in 2 additional upgrades & am in the process of adding more actions & tweaks.

Played the new mode. It was a treat ♥ 

One suggested tweak: Add a `stroke-linecap="round"` property to the tail to make the end rounded.

Loved the game ♥

As shown in the title, the Community College could be another purchasable building.

  • Change classes / coursework to include hypnotic suggestions
  • Advertise the college to attract new students / hire teachers (new NPC spawner)
  • Upgrade classrooms to help students with learning

Finished it in an hour: Great game 👍

Possible improvements:

- Minimize panels to reduce necessary animation renders

The days go by too fast: It feels like it's on 3x speed

> "Stop the Darkness"

Haven't heard that name in a long while :)

Great game: Already wishlisted it on Steam. Looking forward to its release.

You've added too much brown sugar.

Neat game 👍


Done; Took a few tries, but the game holds up well.

Using setIntervals and click events, I was able to get to about 3500 years old.

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...the game is incomplete.

Looking at the source code, anything from "Take out a loan" onwards has not yet been implemented. (Check upgrades.ts)

There's a lot of empty space on the web version. The middle part should take up at least 70% of the total width of the game.

I don't think so. The shredder simply just jams too much to make it past 90 years.

Thanks! It works now :)

...The game gets stuck once it hits the square brackets.


Enjoyment-wise, it's still more or less the same for me as it was with the first version.

Got to $1 billion on this version.

Had to use all wines to get to this result, except for Dubbly Bubbly. Got enough to get 1 of Wine 2, then spam Wine 3 to get past DubBub to Wine 5. Then about 4 Wine 5s to get some Stonk Waters (Wine 6), and spam Wine 6 to get the last wine.

Tried the newest version - $452 trillion. Wow.

Strategy was mostly similar as before: Used Wine 2 only once, Used Wine 4 only 3 times, then spammed Wine 6 (Stonk Water) & Wine 5 until I got the Sake into storage with around 30 seconds left.

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Got to $178,079,515. I skipped the Red Ruckle (2nd wine) & went directly to the Sans Intereste (3rd wine). Then I skipped Dubbly Bubbly (4th wine) & went to stashing as much Vino de Xander (last wine) as I could: The time needed for DubBub to reach the ROI of Sans Intereste was too long. 

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I've now run through this game at least 30 times, and have never gotten to the 20% goal. Throughout all of those attempts, the single most consistent ending I've gotten is the 'low popularity' ending.

In my opinion: It's near impossible to get the good ending.

Nearly everything that you'll do will inevitably reduce your popularity, and by significant amounts. In order to get to the 20% goal, you'll be forced by the goal itself to construct:

  • 1 Large hydropower plant;
  • 1 Wind power plant; AND
  • 1 Small hydropower plant, OR 1 Wind power plant.

Solar panels are out of the question; The cost overruns for alternative materials are way too expensive, and ignoring the dilemma eats away at your popularity.

The main problem: The initial popularity given is too low, and the popularity costs for each dilemma is too high. Resolving either one of these problems will make the game significantly easier.

Post-comment edit: Attempted 5 more times, and got the victory(?) screen on the last attempt. Critique still stands though; The semi-randomization of outcomes within the game makes it less meaningful when you win and more infuriating when you lose, as it denotes that your strategy wasn't the thing that helped you to succeed, it was your luck instead.