The coffee machine merely pours the drink into your cup, which is on the table. You must pour the drink into the cup and then click on the cup to drink it.
Crazy Dany
A member registered Feb 23, 2020 · View creator page →
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This game just has an incredibly beautiful style. Effects, graphics and overall visuals are top-notch, the sounds fit the style perfectly, the limitation is realized perfectly, the essence of the game and its idea is simple, but still looks quite unusual, a kind of 3 in a row, but with its own zest. This game is a must win for sure!
The game is really great. The theme and limitation used is brilliantly simple, I also like the concept of the game and its style. However, the level design is a bit monotonous, I would like a bit more variety. If you tweak the animations, improve the graphics a bit, and add more interesting levels with unique mechanics, the game would be great! It definitely has a chance to win.