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A member registered Aug 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Right now the current world select screen is a concept I have plans to change it to something more impactful than a list, such as a book which fits nicely into my theme of a novel-like game. In other words, this is a concept idea with no functionality to it and no gameplay. I am quite glad that you were able to understand the "available" button because I believed that it was too confusing for players therefore I have changed it into something else I am much happier about. My plans are that anything before ver 1.0 is just a concept where I am greatly changing how my game works on a fundamental level to see what works best through trial and error. By v1.0 I plan on having a fully working world (1) where you can play as a character.

TL;DR - It supposed to not do anything as I have not yet worked on the world itself + I didn't really enjoy how it appeared, therefore I have also changed the appearance to something more fitting with my theme.

Sorry if it was not clear, my game is still in development and is more akin to a demo rather than a game. This is a concept idea which I want to bring the likeness of a novel and game together.

Sorry for late reply, this is... well not a game as there is no gameplay. Right now so far it's just a concept still in development as I am figuring how to approach this. In other words you reached the end of the "game". This is more of a demo rather than a game.

I uploaded early as my month is likely to be hectic, and I cannot promise that I can do much work on this jam. Therefore, I have pivoted into giving short tutorials of things I would have liked to know more when I was much greener as a Godot dev.

(2 edits)

I found the issue it was due to a missing texture file that wasn't caught as an error in the game engine but only in the godot.console.exe upcoming patch (couple minutes) will fix all issues.

Ok, it didn't work. Uh... ima start coding again since it works on my end but not in launcher

Ok, I re-exported both .pck and .exe so it should work? (pray)

Wait game isn't properly lauching wtf???? I need to quick fix this.

Hello Birde,

I do plan on adding an HTML browser version. For mobile it has not been planned yet, but it will surely come after the HTML release.


- Discovered Bug (unabled to delete saveslots) just 5 min later this is what happens when I upload a fix without checking everything! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

This is a quick fix that will be avaliable in the next patch or update!

If you cannot wait for that then you can manually delete within [User > (username) > AppData > Roaming > If Endless Worlds > saves > (yoursavefile.tres)

P.S. A few settings were not being saved within the file or loaded that is now fixed (NOT IN CURRENT PROTOTYPE RELEASE). Next release with have a few more features before release but a couple of easy bugs have been fixed.

I noticed a few issues with the changes made to the settings not being properly updated when switching scenes. I have been making fixes that will be seen within the next release (when there is a more substantial change).