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A member registered Oct 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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Big congrats on the release!! 💖

sii il cambiamento che vuoi nel mondo (grazie!)

Congrats on releasing the new demo!! The new art looks great, and so does the new protagonist option 💖 can't wait to see more!

Thank you so muuuuch <3 Real glad you had a blast playing!

(1 edit)

yeah they're free to use 👌 just read the terms up there in the description

Congrats on the new demo release! Excited to be playing the new demo soon!!

Thank youuu <3

Hi, you're probably pressing B instead of A (on keyboard: X instead of Z)

sure thing bro, good luck with your game!


me too 😢

there are several lgbt characters 

Worth the trip 🐱

All my games made with Ren'Py are mostly accessible but I haven't tested them extensively; Lifelong Dream is just hypertext so it should be 100% accessible; Ciao Nonna is a Gameboy game hence completely inaccessible as far as I know.

Please note that there hasn't been any extra thought put into most of them (older games probably won't have all buttons labeled), but they're also all free besides Toumayhem so you can have a go at them yourself

I FORGOT TO REPLY TO THIS COMMENT IN PUBLIC LMAO Glad you enjoyed it! Especially the work of my teammates >:)

Hi! There is no image gallery, but all screens and buttons have been properly labeled for screen readers. However I haven't been able to test it myself, so I can't guarantee all extra screens are 100% accessible. The code should be pretty much the same for the glossary and character screens, though, so if you can access those with no problem on the trial version every other screen should be fine.

Very little romance, actually! The routes are platonic and the main focus is on the mystery. There are a couple of canon pairings and occasional focus on their relationship, though.

There's a coming update that's been pending for a while (it needs thorough beta testing before release) but it only concerns accessibility options; as the game is complete I'm not planning any more updates content-wise.

Thank you so much for your comment and for appreciating our work! We're happy that you enjoyed every aspect of the game! :)

sweet little game that made me want to buy a snack and hit my brother up 😌 made my evening a tiny bit better

Fear not, Laila and Clara will return for the sequel to Star Crossed: Bread Grilled!* Thanks for your comment, we're glad you enjoyed the game!

*Hello, yes, this was our writer's doing, I can't confirm nor deny anything

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on our game! We're glad that you had a fun time playing it and that Clara's charm as a protagonist remained intact throughout! As for your feedback on the length and pacing they’re both greatly appreciated!

We're delighted that the vibes hit the mark! As for the campy evil regime... think of it as a love letter of sort to the 90s, haha

Thanks a ton! Heartless Clara is intriguing indeed, and it almost happened >:]

Thank you so much kc!! ❤

thanks a lot!! ❤

LET'S GO MEGA (thank youu <3)

Thank you! The road of a Hyper X Star Duelist is a hard one...

It's insane how fast I've been hooked by this game: the world building! The characters! How the plot kicks in! And everything looks so stylish, especially considering all the shortcuts one has to take when working solo on a jam game. Nothing looks cheap and everything is so cohesive, I really enjoyed it and I'm happily looking forward to more.

If anything bad happens to Juhyeon I will cry

I went from "Oh wow, this looks so good" to "WHOAAAA" as soon as the first battle scene came up. The pacing is stellar, fell in love instantly with the two main characters (Iago especially) and I was blown away by the monsters' designs. I also loved how you used colour (or lack thereof), especially on Iago's eyes near the end!

I'm here after reading the postmortem and imagine my joy in reading I still have at least two more games to bask in the worldbuilding! This was a great introduction to a bigger world, can't wait to see more of it.

This was so good! Loved the presentation and how dynamic everything is, not just the pacing but the rhythm of every action is extremely on point. Had a blast playing it!

Fun cast (and extremely appealing visually), engaging plot and world building right from the start and I loved the battle system! Easy to grasp while stile being hectic, looking forward to seeing it more polished together with the rest of the complete game!

While I do admit the beginning left me a bit confused and it's just too short to get a good graps on the scenario, I was very intrigued by the world building and the end left me there like "No! I gotta know more!"

Besides that, the fight scene was AMAZING, great use of simple yet very effective sprite animations!

VERY HAPPY BECAUSE YOU'RE EXACTLY MY KIND OF TARGET, make the ygo yuri you want in the world 🫡 thank you for cheering for our daughter Nova ❤

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for playing! I have to admit it was more inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh! than Vanguard (that's still on my watchlist), but I did go for "as cheesy and unhinged as possible". Considering the development strategy of this game was "fuck it we ball", I'm pleasantly surprised the card game ended up being sort of enjoyable! I sort of embraced the moments of utter stupidity as a feature (e.g. Deneb one-shotting herself by playing her special, Astra being the strongest among the three).

I didn't think of it as a branching story (mostly due to time constraints), but the idea of an alternate ending depending on the last battle's results is cool! Wish I thought of it now, actually. I also wanted to make a special animation for, well, special attacks, but in the end I had to cut it out...

Making short games is easier when they're stupid (affectionate)! But for more serious stuff, I find starting from the end and having few story beats (and characters) clear makes it easier to avoid getting too much out of scope. Looking forward to the full version of Spirit Link!

EDIT: as for the visual glitches, I was aware of both but I just went "eeeeh... whatever, no time" and put in a fix for the first one which... didn't work much, apparently. I didn't think hiding the text box could work for the second one, so thanks! I'll definitely look into both for the next patch (which will come eventually, I'd like to at least add sound effects...)

rock-paper-scissors is truly where games peaked.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! We definitely went for the most anime thing we could think of.

such a pleasure to work with you <3

THANKS ARIMIA hope you'll enjoy all the YGO references

Hi! First of all, thank you for reaching out and for creating such a collection, that's really cool (and also useful to devs without any visual impairment who might want to take notes!). Toumayhem is made with Ren'Py, so the built-in self-voicing should cover most of the game; I also took care in labeling all buttons with an alt text, and the main character's thoughts are explicited as such in self-voicing (prefaced by "Thinking:", while in text it's just between parenthesis). Most screens work fine on keyboard and controller, but I do know that the Glossary and the Jukebox (both extra screens, but still a nice part of the game!) are a bit iffy at times due to scrollbars I've had a few problems fully figuring out (solo game dev hard). That said, I've had a few test runs myself for all these options but I'm far from fully blind, so there's probably a thing or two I missed or I didn't think about implementing. Anyway, if you want or have time to (I imagine you're doing one hell of a work in collecting 100% accessible games), you can try out the trial version as the only thing I mentioned earlier that's missing is an access to the Jukebox screen.

If you do end up giving it a try and find anything that might improve usability, please do tell if you've got time! Post-release fixes are being kind of slow at the moment, but I'd hate for anyone to be locked out forever from playing for issues I could easily solve.

Happy you’re enjoying it! The hint for both Reichou’s and Neesan’s routes is in the game’s tagline. 

If you want specific directions, here they are in ROT13: Lbh arrq gb unir ng yrnfg bar cbvag jvgu Ubaxhv naq Snagbzr naq n znwbevgl jvgu Ervpubh. Vs lbh cvpx “Tb onpx tb gur pynffebbz” naq gura “Ohl fbzr gvzr” lbh trg bar cbvag jvgu Ubaxhv, gura lbh pna pbagvahr ol purpxvat bhg gur bgure pynffebbzf gb zrrg hc jvgu Snagbzr. Cvpxvat Ervpubh nsgre gung fubhyq oevat lbh gb uvf ebhgr!

I’m currently on vacation but I’ll be working on a guide as soon as I’m back :) Thank you for enjoying the game!

(Kouhai voice) What a coincidence! I'm very fond of girls who think like that 😙

Thank you! Will definitely keep you in mind if the opportunity comes :)