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A member registered Jan 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Seh, es seguro. Es un falso positivo, ese archivo de ahí es el código (o parte de él) compilado en android, por eso lo marca. Es la primera vez que veo un análisis de la versión de Android lul 

If you need help with some levels, there's a forum chat for guides in my discord server. There are so some walkthroughs in YouTube :b

Also, some levels will get a rework in the next subversion

This shrugging old man : r/photoshopbattles

(eu uso o google tradutor)

O jogo foi feito para uma versão mais antiga do Android, além de estar fora da Google Play Store. O jogo é seguro.

You can use Undertale Tool Mod to see and modify the code.

As far I know, you can't download external apps in iOS, and I don't have an Iphone, so nope, a port isn't possible rn.

Not soon, but you can use Parsec

Could you be more specific? The feedback is appreciated.

After level 14

Adding another language is a ton of work, and I only know Spanish and English, so I would need another person to translate the game

Yeah, it's possible without upgrades (I didn't use cheats btw)

wdym with "mobile controls"?

If you're talking about versus mode, you can play without a keyboard.

If you're in PC, you can modify your save file.

This file is in Appdata/Local/PVZ_ND/savefile.ini

wdym with "a decompiled folder in Git Hub"?

If you need help with more levels, join the discord server, there is a forums channel where you can ask or look for strategies to beat a level.

Yeah, it's beatable, but I agree this level needs some changes.

(1 edit)

Idk what to tell you, mate (just used the sunflower to waste sun and a seedpacket slot from the upgrades, and no, i didn't used cheats).

First wave is kinda problematic but not as bad as you describe it, and cherry bomb would have been a better pick tho.

I can make some adjustments to the level, but again, there are way worse levels in the game. Thanks for the feedback anyways.

The game doesn't have upgrade plants. The seed packets are pink because they are hard mode plants

You can disable play Protect, try to install the game, and then enable play Protect again. This warning shows up because the game is not in Playstore and is made for an older version of Android

If you're in PC, you can modify the savefile which is stored in appdata/local/PVZ_ND/savefile.ini

If you need help you can join my discord server

If you think the game is perfect right now, the update is gonna blow your mind lol

Es un falso positivo causado por los archivos .DLL que usa el juego para funcionar. Además, el juego carece de certificado digital (porque eso cuesta dinero). El archivo es seguro y le pasa a otros juegos de esta página.

Aquí hay algunos foros que hablan sobre eso

Por cierto, soy consciente desde hace mucho tiempo de que el juego es detectado por antivirus y virus total, yo también he hecho la prueba y mucha gente también me lo ha preguntado.

The current version already has a versus mode unlocked in level 14. The next version will have significant upgrades to this mode :B


Well, most of the game is made by myself, so I don't have to pay anyone :b

No es posible añadir un modo online tal y como lo describes debido a que hay que usar servidores, los cuales pueden costar dinero, al demás del gasto de tiempo en el desarrollo para hacer la implementación.

De todas formas gracias por la sugerencia!

No, you won't lose your progress

Not for now, sorry

Some balance and difficulty issues will be fixed in the next version (although I think you just have skill issue lol)

If you don't have fun with it, don't play it :b

Probably it's because the android version, if that is the case, just press on more info and install anyway. Otherwise you'll need an app to install it like SAI

Local Appdata in Windows, in Android Idk

Yeah, I'm working on the 1.3. it should release in some months

It's not possible right now. Sorry

No es posible, la tienda se desbloquea mucho después y el premio del nivel 10 es precisamente un slot extra

You have to complete level 14

La próxima actualización saldrá en los siguientes meses. Puedes ver avances en el servidor de Discord.

Thanks for the suggestion, but right now isn't possible to add the speed button :/

(Coding issues)

Thanks for your constructive criticism! The spawning system and the level design is being improved for the next version (1.3)