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A member registered Sep 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

This is a very cool game, but the AI was very lacking, with it constantly getting stuck, the healing places could be cheesed by constantly entering and exiting them to get very fast healing (I don't think that was intentional) and the game lacked any audio

This is a very cool game, I liked everything about it, I don't have a complaint here, good job

This is a very good game, the movement feels very smooth, there are lots of mechanics, and they all work really well together, and I really love the game's appearance, especially the particles

The pure speed is very fun to play with, just kinda brutal without checkpoints I guess I kinda faced that same problem in my game lol very good 

It's a good game, ironically enough this game set off my antivirus lol

Dude your game is awesome, could you also rate my game?

The game's cool, but the movement feels very floaty and the FOV is very low, so it's kinda hard to see

I would appreciate if you also gave feedback on my game

The game is cool, but I think the player should have an incetive to not constantly be inside the circle, because you can easily play the entire game inside the circle and not have to move at all after reaching the fire, but it's cool

The game is cool, but I wish that I could've used WASD, I could not figure out a comfortable way to rest my hand while playing this game, but pretty good game with good gameplay.

I would appreciate honest feedback on my game too

The game is very fun to play, the main problem is that it's very easy for the enemies to get stuck in other rooms, fortunately the map is small, so it's not that big of an issue

This was a very fun game to play, but I do have to question the choice of putting "P" as the slash button, and I think the slashing hitbox was very small, but it's still an overall fun game

Really unfortunate that the level was deleted, so my feedback will be very limited (Since there wasn't really much to judge), the character art looks really cool, and I really like the particles, but that's all I can really say, I hope next time you don't face the same problem

This is a very cool game, I just kept getting stuck in the walls and sometimes I didn't really know where I was supposed to go, other than that it's pretty good

I would really like to watch a gameplay of my game, please be honest with any feedback you have

The game was pretty fun, my only problems with the game are the graphics (I know that you didn't have time, so it's alright) and the fire not really being an obstacle (Which I assume was also because of a lack of time), but I can see this game being upgraded in the future, very good game.

I would appreciate some honest feedback on my game too

It's a very hard game, but it's also fun, I would recommend making the explosion time shorter and giving better feedback to the player about what's happening (It took me a while to find out the progress bar at the top left was the explosion charging) and the timer was outside the screen, so I couldn't see it

I would really like some feedback please

It's a very fun experience, it just felt weird that I was able to move during the start when the game's name appeared on screen, and then my timer began before I could even understand what happened, and I accidentally crashed the game by grappling into a wall and no clipping, but it's still a pretty fun game

By far my favorite game in the jam, very well made, very simple gameplay, but it's so addicting, I could easily see myself playing a full game like this

Dude, this is amazing, I came here expecting another bad joke game, but I was so pleasantly surprised, this is by far one of the most creative, well done and polished game in the jam, congrats to the whole team for being awesome

It was a very funny game, very unfortunate that you couldn't get it done in time, but it was a good first jam game. My only complaint would be the fact that it was very hard to interact with objects and I had to keep moving around it to find a spot where I could interact with them, but very good first attempt, keep it up

Very well made game, I really liked the art

It's a pretty fun platformer, not many complaints here honestly, maybe a better feedback loop to the player?

Dude this game is awesome, my game had a similar idea, but I think your execution of it is so much better than mine, it feels so good to play, my only complaint is that you can't fullscreen the game, but I think this is the standard that all games in the jam should have, honestly congratulations

The game was pretty fun, but I think there should've been some indication on level 3 that there was stuff on the other side (Maybe an arrow sign telling you where to go)

Very cool and unique game, I just wish you could keep more of the momentum after releasing the grapple and it was sometimes hard to see where the next crystal was, so maybe the camera should be slightly ahead of the player, but it's still a very creative take on the theme

Free social credit AND feedback? Where do I sign up?

It's a fun and goofy game, unfortunately it's filled with bugs (But going so fast to the point of going through the wall will never stop being funny lol)

Yo this is my platformer game, pls give honest feedback

Dude I completely agree, I woke up and saw that my game had 10 downloads and started celebrating so hard, and seeing that people actually liked it and were giving some feedback was even cooler, unfortunately the leaderboard on my game is apparently broken, so I will never know if someone actually beat my time

Hellooo, could you give my game a try and give as much honest feedback as possible?

I really liked the graphics, felt very creepy pasta like, but the platforming felt very floaty, sometimes I couldn't see what was ahead of me, so I didn't know where I would be able to land and I think the timer should've reset to 0 each time you died, other than that it's a pretty cool game

Hello, I would like some feedback

I understand, downloading other people's games on itch is VERY sketchy (My antivirus has been firing like crazy lol) and UE5 dropped HTML support, so there was unfortunately really no way for me to upload a web build

And it really sucks that everyone only cares about ratings, the reason I asked about feedback is because I see this jam as a learning opportunity for how to make better games, it doesn't make much sense to just say that someone else's game is just "good" I want to know what made it good and what was bad and how to improve on it

Just made the commen

Pretty cool game with very good movement, my favorite part was being able to jump really high and use the shotguns recoil to go extremely high, my suggestions on how to improve on it would be: Some indication of if you took damage (Like a flashing red effect and a screen shake) and an indication of where the damage you took came from and the character can sometimes be a bit hard to control, other than that, it's a pretty solid game

I'm gonna rate yours rn, here's mine:

Here it is

Feedback would be appreciated

(1 edit)

Hello everyone, I just wanted to invite everyone to play my game and give me as much honest feedback as possible, my game is a small platformer game, I hope you guys like it and can help me make it better in the future

I will also rate and give feedback to games that give me feedback