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A member registered May 10, 2019

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Actually, he always was a black panther, but the sprite didn't reflect that correctly which is why the pretty drastic change in look happened. You can still see some very dark spots on some of his body though ^^

Next month's public update will be Torulf and Mikko's, after that it'll be Bjørn and a general repolishing of the first day, the devs will take a break after that. Then when development for the second day starts it'll probably be Rune first since he was the first one to get a full route on the first day

Gotta love that European life

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finished my first time through the game yesterday, it's indeed very wholesome! The writing is very fluid and cute, the character sprites compliment the whole atmosphere beautifully and the music does it's job without being too much of a presence (which I would find annoying in a game about staying in a cabin in the middle of nature).

I mainly focused on Rune (I'm a sucker for jocks, and eventually jockstraps) and was surprised by the depth of his personality. All of the interactions with him felt natural and didn't feel like things were moving too fast (that is a problem I often find in these free to play visual novels, not here though!) Also appreciated that even though I focused on one character everyone else had a chance to shine.

The difference in art style from character sprite to CG illustration was kinda jarring at first, but it really isn't a problem, both styles are very good and similar enough. It was just surprising to see Rune go from very cute boy deer to hunky 20 something year old in the jacket scene, his biceps are appreciated though, and the illustrations themselves are drawn very well.

Last comment I have is about the general atmosphere of the game, which is lovely. As a foreigner, I lived in Denmark until I finished high school just last year and these Nordic vibes brought me right back. Of course Norway is way different, but the vibes are close enough. Mikko is actually SO similar to my old friend I had a crush on that I thought I was being pranked, the awkwardness between the protagonist and him is very relatable.

Overall, lovely game, with an equally lovely (and consistent, very important aspect of it) atmosphere and likable cast of characters. The artstyle is very polished and is well accompanied by the music, can't wait to see more, I think I'll be giving a bit of support on patreon as soon as I can :D

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I do get the criticism of romance novels in general for the almost instanteneous flirting, but from what I understood of the story so far Ranok seems to see some sort of escape from his reality in the protagonist. 

He pretty obviously is "defective" as Vulgor would say, and finds the protagonist fascinating because it's a human, he also saw him completely naked first things first (even though the circumstances weren't the sexiest). What I'm saying is Ranok could be seeing some sort of instant connection to the protagonist (other than fate) because he feels just as out of place as the protagonist in his clan, maybe he's a bit desperate. Was it tactful of him to flirt with the protagonist right after scaring him awake? No, but I think that's an error on Ranok's part, not the writing.

It isn't a perfect theory, but that's how my brain made sense of it.

(edit : btw forgot to mention it but yeah the constant crying/not crying in the last scene with Ranok annoyed me a bit too, kinda ruining the moment (only freak out I would've kept is the one after Ranok gets flirtatious too quickly))

Same he is so much gayer in the Maccon route, hope something involving the both of them eventually comes up >:)

by all means keep experimenting, it looks good so far, im only giving an opinion from the perspective of someone who has no idea how hard it is to make a game like this. Good luck for the coming future!

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I think that when Cole gets angry, instead of calling them millenials he should call them zoomers, because it's more accurate and funnier imo.

Also I really like how different routes affect the other characters as well, like how Tom invites you to the gym because of Maccon instead of having a serious talk about shitty parents when you run away from him in the morning. 

I love the inclusion of Jayce's portrait for when he speaks, it may not seem like much to some but being able to see the protagonist's face in a first person visual novel isn't a given. Although I'm a bit confused at the inclusion of the front facing portraits for John and Rask when you also see their full body sprites, I believe the front facing portraits should be used whenever characters are "in your party" per se, so imagine they're next to Jayce, while he is talking to a third character (is that clear? Or should I try rephrasing that im not sure if it's understandable)

All in all this is a great wip VN, I plan on starting to support you on patreon soon, you deserve it monchimutt!

oh lol, we can consider it a sneak peek then

Thanks for replying so swiftly. I guess I haven't done enough to get the John route. So is it normal for the Tom route to end really early and for the Rask route to end before the house warming dinner? Also I found a few typos in Rask's second day where Jayce, Rask and John are on their way to the mall, as well as a programming error of some kind.

Ok so I don't know if it's my fault or not, it may also be that I need to get the Patreon version, but I can't seem to advance into any of the characters' routes. I never get to a cg, I'm noy entirely sure how to get to cg scenes.