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A member registered Apr 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Zoom do I require!

(1 edit)

Where be the updates to ReTech? How much longer must we abide in waiting? Ere thou bringeth forth aught, better things shall have already arisen!

This is insanity! Terrible!

Multishot workes not, does it?

Ic needeth a map.

(2 edits)

Фала. Одигра' гу целу. За-мрвке да закукам.

Но, ёшке неэ попраэто. Что ясно мог ве рекнем э да, нешто неќе, јиде полачке, преоди преко screen, цлике се по-нигдема провидув.


Thank you. This time - I experienced the full story. On the edge of crying it pushed me.

Yet, yet is not fixed. First mentioning the lag, it lags, further, the window surpasses the screen edge of mine, likely for it is made for the monitor of aspect ratio of 16x9, while the monitor of mine possesion is of aspect ratio of 16x10, moreover, the textures being transparent at some places, likely the chosen to represent and pass transparency colour is, also, the one of the texture.

Красно. Не работи добро.

Ic loved thy showcase.

(1 edit)

Crying I knew. Who is of madness leaving such sadness I hate!

Passion for mountains is covered by the unreason, the relations of the followed character with three lovers.

Ic thanke thee!

Updated two hours ago! I watch on this project so often!


Updated! Finally!

Mine comment is missing.



Suits the character.

Hated humour.

Ic share the point.

Ic thinkes and wanteth the same.

(1 edit)

It is supposed beeing of a far greater difficulty being old-school, he still adapted it to the "modern" players to admirable extent, knowing this thou haebbe no reason complaining.

There is no ending to thine sentence.

I would never pay for a video game. People better make it out of passion and love or not at all, with money, bad people get the idea of well living by simply doing what sells.

Ic liketh not the relationship for Ava being a brat and for Mother Tiabata not cutting it down.

Missing a full stop.

One of such comments is good to have

Ic haebbe gotten that too.

At least give it an exclamation mark.

We needeth not these comments here, it is already well publicised, in order of sorting, not overwhelming the creator and readers - only constructive comments.

A beautiful comment, a beautiful person!

I hated the humour.

I do share the point. Yet, it is not about personality when she is average human, I needeth her as a genius so people to relate.

Thine text is missing a full stop. The breaking Ic noticed ne.

Mister Daniel, thine text is missing a full stop. Or is it by intentions?

What was the last part you talked about?

I do share the point there, I feel the same. I am feeling good sharing this.

I do share the point.

Ic ne understandest, it is structured funnily.

Nigga, wow! This is amazing!