Sure! I’ve added a bunch for the holidays so be sure to grab one soon. Love for you to rate the game if you are having fun!
Croaker RPGs
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Hey I just released Night Terror. A solo TTRPG dungeon for Mork Borg. It's the kind of game I would have made when I was a bored teenager stuck in math class. Now I'm making it as a bored adult.
Night Terror
The demented Sorcerer inhabits your dreams, frantically pulling, ripping and tearing at your mind. Every night, you see his maniacal face the second slumber takes you, no matter the amount you drink (and it's a lot). You must cut him out of your mind before it's too late
What is Night Terror? Night Terror is a doodle daydream solo dungeon compatible with Mörk Borg. Written and designed in the style of a bored teenager scribbling in a notebook, this 10-page solo adventure takes you deep into the darkness of your own mind. Chattering teeth as enemies, insidious traps and a mad sorcerer you somehow pissed off await you in Night Terror.
Check it out!
Night Terror Features:
- a 10-page solo adventure that can be played in a sitting (1 hour)
- Easily printable to be turned into your own Zine
- Compatible with the popular roleplaying game Mork Borg
- Unique doodle art style and high-school humour
- Three unique enemies spread across five trap-filled rooms
- Four possible magical artifacts and weapons your character can take for their own

Death from below, a monster from the deep! A great Sea Beast hunts the fisherman of Karvee. Desperate and on their last legs, the people of Karvee call out for salvation. They look to you, an Ironsworn traveler, to deliver them from certain death.
Sea Beast is an adventure to be used with Ironsworn by Shawn Tompkin. Use this adventure as a starting point for an Ironsworn campaign, or can be dropped into an existing game.
This 9-page PDF contains an adventure start, descriptions of the people and locations of the village of Karvee, questions for you to answer, and two foes to challenge your Ironsworn traveler.
Hi everyone I just launched Queenless!
In Queenless you’ll explore the valley, meeting other insects along the way. Your aim is to recover six jars of royal jelly, which your hive will use to raise another Queen. Some insects are friends, such as the Ants who share much in common with the Bees. But some are deadly foes, like the Praying Mantis, who would like nothing more than to eat you up little Bee.
Queenless is built as a solo game from the start with tables, exploration, and other mechanics that will keep you interested and challenge your little bee as it explores the valley on its quest. The core mechanic is based on Firelights, where you use a deck of cards and dice to determine success, partial success, or failure. You flip two cards and compare them to a dice roll+stats. Easy to figure out and resolve.
I hope you like it!
When we came to The Forge the Iron Pillars were here waiting for us. Located on every planet, moon or astronomical body explored, the Pillars gave up none of their secrets. Despite decades of study, our scientists could find no clues. Until the pillars activated...
The Ferrum Mysteries is an adventure to be used with Ironsworn: Starforged by Croaker RPGs.
Hey everyone. I had a great time making this adventure for the soon-to-be-ending Starforged game jam. It has six tables for lots of random solo fun. Check it out here -
I wrote up an actual play one shot for my blog if your interested in seeing how it plays. Fun game!
Loved this game. Check out my review of Breathless here
If your thinking about buying Long Haul 1983, buy it! But if you'd like to read an in-depth review check out this one.
Had a great time playing this. Check out my review if you'd like to read a little more about the game and how it plays! I include writing from a few prompts also.