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A member registered Jun 15, 2023

Recent community posts

Is the decision whether to tell Priestbot and Shanice about Big Daddy's past or not the last thing in the story so far? I reached that point twice, to make both choices and there seems to not be anymore events and I believe I looked everywhere.

None for now.

I know that text from chatbar. Can't recall it exactly, but it seems to be just normal message.


Also I reached after church storyline decision of telling or not about Big Daddy, and either way story seems to end there for now

Oooh you are further than I am in the story then. Can't help you sorry

You need to join us join us join us join us join us

We are us.

(Okay the joke is getting old. It's still a correct answer to the issue tho)

You probably have to start over from tge beginning and join us join us join us join us.

We are us.

Guys I figured it out. Won't spoil it for you. Thanks IC Dev for confirming it was not a bug ^^

Huh... allright then. I'll be much more attentive to emails I guess in my next playthrough.

Im 10+ days from the moment i got stuck with the story :<

Then im totally lost. What should I get in the mail? 

Is there even a way to tell exactly? 

Im like 4 off 

Anyone got a list of the websites? 

Im still missing some ;-;

(1 edit)

Can't see anything in mail besides subs and delivery, or sponsorships. Also other storyline mails (the crazy bitch and the revolution thing)

Any possibility it bugged?

Oh crap I ignored the revolution thing did I fuck up?

I feel like im stuck on Big Daddy Hurt's storyline, after meeting with him in his apartment, he still rejects me asking if I could visit him again.

Something I need to do?

Thank you  for clarification. I love the game. Keep up the good work^^


I'd like to know how the new respect is counted.

Are the points diffrent pools for every sponsor or are they one pool?

Also is every sponsor implemented already? I only got 3 of them to give me contracts so far. 

Are there some prerequisites to get certain sponsors to notice you?