I tried to full screen the web version and it crashed so bad it wouldn't let me leave and I had to restart my computer
10/10 update
Turns out that one part of Spookeez I kept getting stuck on was the hardest for me; once I got past it by solely focusing on and nailing the red arrows in that segment, everything after was relatively fine.
South had a relative difficulty all around, but was much more manageable and took way less tries. Nearly didn't pass it though, like hoooly shit
Now to never touch those two again
The spooky children are kicking my ass on Normal (as expected). I haven't even gotten to South.
So for those who have completed the week; is it timing? Memorization? Luck? Do you need to focus on specific notes? I have no idea what I'm doing and the first 50 seconds of Spookeez will probably be engraved in my brain by the time I complete it