Looks really cool! Definitely will find a way to use it!
Crown's Dealership
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Hi, i will convert them, but they will remain private. Sadly another "modder" in the community decided to "edit" all of my AR Truck and Beds and released them as his own, removing me from the credits... When i asked him kindly to remove them, he refused... So, yeah, they won't come public sadly. I will convert them, if you make your own truck i can share the propane body for sure. ( Or you can find somebody else to make a trucks)
Huh? I can't even read that... What drama? What bullying? .. Anyway, i don't plan to continue this pointless conversation. My AR Frame pack doesn't have Autoload and it won't have. Since Western Dakota already fucked all of you by re-uploading my mods without permissions, you won't be getting the pack for FS25. I'm done with FS22, so be my guest, edit and release what you want, because you won't get anything new ...
A lot of reasons. First, the guy never asked me about permissions or anything. He released the mods mocking my work, saying that he finally improved my mods, so they aren't shitty. Next he changed credits, also added "clownzilla" or "clown" in the mod names. That's complete disrespect towards me and my work. You editing 1 or 2 bodies and releasing them is not the same as changing a word in the xml file and reuploading all of the trucks and beds as yours.