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A member registered May 07, 2023 Β· View creator page β†’

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Thanks for the words of encouragement! It may be hard to put as much consistent time as i have on this project in the near future, but im happy to of put such amount of effort and passion into this pack as i did. :)

Thank you for taking interest in my work! :)

Sure i can tackle that issue for v1.61 :) thanks for the compliment btw!

Thanks Gwyntec im happy ive been able to update that much as well!

Sure crazy mage i can add those in next update :)

Glad they could help! I made em a while ago so nice to see some use of them.

Nice work! Happy the assets have helped you for your project :)

Thanks! Were there any other kinds of sprites you'd look forward seeing? :)

Good idea Mage! I actually do wanna expand more on dangers in the dungeon and so you'll likely see more of that in the next 2-3 updates.

Also just in general im no stranger to requests for new assets so if you got any more ideas of stuff you want in here just say so :).

Thanks Mage! Your support makes working on this stuff each day alot more meaningful. :)

What timing i just released todays update as you commented XD, and thanks!

Great work!

Nice lil game! 

Oh WOW, this is the first time ive had someone share a game they made with my assets!! Thank you so  much Gerald for letting me check it out! 



Nice! I gotta say i like how chunky your tilesets blocks are.

I think the closest thing in that realm would be a winter version of the forest asset pack already available? Which i actually have considered! Its just im trying to be more consistent with the Dungeon pack rn in terms of updates, thanks for your interest as always though Crazy Mage :)

Sure! Ill add it back in for the next update noyen. 


Oh thanks Gerald, glad to see someone enjoying the sprites!


Thanks! :)

No worries! If you get questions on them later just reach out!

Thanks! :)

oooooh, well thanks!

Thats not really fair of a comparison anyways considering the contrast of development time XD but i appreciate the compliment!

Oop yeah i meant to update that, ill do so now, thanks for the example terms btw!

My current plan is to flesh out this project before moving onto newer ones, most of the sprites im working with are 8x8 or 16x16 with the exception of big furniture or decorations, hope that answers your question. 


Thank you!

Updated the file again, Pillar is now fixed and looks better scaled up.

Hey, Just updated the ladders, they should be good scaled up now, just tested em.


Just keep in mind its 3 parts: Top, Middle, Bottom 


Yeaaah ill quickly fix that ladder for ya, as for the tilesets, the original stone brick + wood tilesets have gotten the most attention thus far, any of the other ones are more newer/experimental additions, which is why they are different in general

Like this?

Sure ill see about it! Also by candle shelves, what about a candle holder like this? 

Ty for all the feedback, I think all of that except maybe the items i can take a look at getting in this next update, mostly just because thats a bit of a Pandora's box i dont think would be appropritate to open... FOR NOW that is.

Sure, what kind of decorations were you thinking? I got some in mind but always nice to hear from others.

As for the chests, The way they open plus the fact i wanted to have their position on the spritesheet account for the little "jump" they do when opening has them set the way they are, but if you wanna send a picture over to let me see the problem first hand im sure we can get it sorted.

As for the door, thats actually a good idea! Part of this asset pack is inspired by games like Celeste and Enter The Gungeon which both have those kind of doors your talking about, ill take a look and see how they do it and get my own take ready for the next update; Version 1.26 along with some other goodies. :)

(1 edit)

Oh also i noticed you dont have inner corner pieces in your photo, i updated the asset pack again and added that in for you, enjoy :)

Nice! Looking good


Allrighty i fixed the example you showed, as well as altered the canvas size so its all lined up on the 8 x 8 grid, download version 1.25B and see if that fixes it. πŸ‘Œ

Do they all need to be moved a bit, or just that tileset specifically? If so by how much?

Yup! Ive commented over there as well to help clear that mistake up, thanks for letting me know!

Id say at the end of the day this pack is for making a game, if it needs to be altered to fit the game being made, thats great, but if its being redistributed ( edited or not ) in isolation then at that point it feels like less about making a game and more so about just trying to garner attention off someone elses work, and thats no fun.

First off thank you so much! Second off, beyond donations, rating this asset pack and sharing it with people who you think will get value out of it helps me out the most. :)