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A member registered Jul 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really neat idea! And surprisingly difficult too (or maybe I'm just bad), Great job y'all :)

Howdy y'all! I'm an artist/writer who's done a few game jams in the past and I'd love to participate in this one. This will be the longest jam I've done so I'm excited to see what we can make. If you're a programmer, composer, or sound designer, message me on discord and we can put a little team together. Let's make the best game that we can!

My discord is Crunch#8918

What's up y'all! I've been doing pixel art for a couple years now and have a lot of jam experience. I'd love to team up with someone and create something awesome! My discord is Crunch#8918 just dm me and we can get to talking.

Hi, ignore my other reply there were some complications. Yes I would love to work with you, we have a composer and sfx designer as well. Send me a friend request through discord and I'll add you to the group.

Sorry, I've already found somebody. Good luck and I hope you find someone!

Howdy, I'm a pixel artist looking for a group or programmer to team up with! I'm also a writer and have a bit of game design experience. My discord is Crunch#8918, DM me if you want to work together. I'm super excited to get to work!

Hi there! I don't know if you're still looking for somebody but I'm a pixel artist and would love to join your team. I tried to dm you through discord but it didn't work. Hope to hear from y'all soon.

Definitely man! My discord is Crunch#8918 just add me and we can get started.

Howdy y'all, I'm a pixel artist with some game design experience looking for either a programmer or whole team to join up with. It's been a while since I've done a game jam but I'm excited to get to work on one again!

Hi! my discord id is Crunch#8918

Howdy, I've been a pixel artist for a couple years now with some game design experiance. The programmer on my team recently left so I need a new team to join. If you wanna see some of my stuff check my itch profile.

ay sorry that took so long I forgot to check itch, thanks for making the server

sick, do you have discord?

sounds awesome! do you have discord

Howdy! I'm a pixel artist with some game dev experience looking for a team to join. I'd love to get back into game jams and this seems like the perfect opportunity.