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Cryptic Hybrid

A member registered Aug 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ah, great, thank you. :) 

Could we get a downloadable version of the build too? 

Did I image things or was a 0.2 version uploaded a few days ago? 

This is a big update. Is the Steam demo also getting updated? Cause I may have to finally stream SV. :)

Great art. Can't wait for the announcement. DEMO! I hope. :) 

She is good at her job. Unfortunately... :)

Good thing I'm already subscribed to the newsletter then. :) Looking forward to the demo. 

Test.txt ? Such a tease... 

Someone has to shut the windows in this library, it's so windy. Great visuals, I needed a little bit of practice to get the controls mostly right, but after that... and some deaths... 

Cute, with some sneakily-placed walnuts. It is difficult to extinguish fires if you can't land next to them though. 

(2 edits)

Three quick things from the get-go.
1. Faster default movement speed
2. Continuous shooting on button down
3. The headstones, no collision with the player

No more errors encountered, just a very cute experience. More P.I. Fly cases please, thank you. :) Bzzzzzzz 

The update didn't fix the rat bug. Also, sometimes, the cat does not move at all, can't interact with it, & it doesn't run off. 

Sweet, thank you. :)

Happy New Year! Any update planned for the near future?

I had to play, it looks good & has an interesting gameplay mix. How to download 0.2. :) 

The video is up only for my Locals supporters but I can make an exception...   

Alas, this video won't see the light of day, I need to do a video with the latest update. Don't sell it short, there's plenty of new in this latest build. :) 

Alright, so I can scrap the 0.1.5b video I made. Ah well, new update, yay! :) 

Cute visuals, lots of pixel-hunting required though. Even clicking all over I didn't find the last clue so I brute-forced the code. With three out of four numbers things weren't that difficult.

Door didn't open though, the door is a LIE just like the cake. 

Oh, the crash was after relaunching the game one time. 

Got an error after putting together a... thing - 




action number 1

of Create Event

for object oDialog:

ds_list_size argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGI32)

at gml_Object_oDialog_Create_0


gml_Object_oDialog_Create_0 (line -1) 

Also, didn't get any counter for finding the pieces of the thing that needs to be put together. 

Closing & starting the game again did eventually allowed me to finish the case. 

I like the concept. It's very... bare-bone at this point so it will be interesting to see how it evolves. Can't wait to see more cards, potential upgrades, unlocks, permanent or per-run. Patience now... :) 

Cool visuals & quite a dramatic story. Puzzles were fine, except the washing machine one, even with the clue I do not get the logic of it. 

You'll get faster as you write more, it's a process. It's like surgery, you don't just become a super surgeon right away. Can't wait to see how things progress. :)

This is so weird in a good way. You don't know what will happen next, really cool demo. I need to practice ball kicking though. Crushing it on KS too, awesome work. :) 

This is a lovely project. The concept, the pacing, the visuals, so sweet. I am worried about the number of cats for such a small community. Are they all stray cats? So many! :) 

A cool mix of genres, the characters are really wacky... I'm onboard. More Dr Dandroid! :) 

A pretty solid build, definitely looking forward to seeing more. Not more zombies, there are already plenty of zombies in the last part. How many damn zombies are there in the woods? 

I thought that was the plan all along, to have the mice eventually be lured out by playing the violin. :) Maybe that could be a way to ... convince a character to leave a room.

Difficulty is quite the task but there are options.  I mean, there's already one in the build - calling Mycroft. Another one could be a short highlight of interactive areas. It will be interesting to see how the observation mechanic will work. Will Hol... the player's character be able to "see" details before talking to NPCs? Will you have to go back and forth to see the portrait of the NPCs & pin-point details that unlock new dialogue options? 

I think the solution for this one is not elementary Watson... 

Oh, and, will Sh... the player's character have any pets? 

Really liking the color palette used. And the fact that you can call to get help. The deduction part I'm assuming will require more player input in the future, maybe that's the reason for the portrait when looking at people? 

Looking forward to future updates. Maybe the mice will come out when Sher... ahem... the main character plays the violin. 

Hope you'll enjoy the video. This ... episode felt like it's setting up another adventure. More Batu! :) 

A sweet new addition to the Perilous series. This setting is even more enticing I think as it would lend itself for great expansion. Batu's thieving adventures could make for so many games. :) 

Impressive for two weeks. I especially liked how the atmosphere grew more and more tense as the group went deeper into the bunker. 


In case someone is finding it difficult to brew the right potions... Can't wait to see more, learn more recipes & visit the world outside. 

Really liked the concept, the art, the level design. If only the jam was longer so we could have more levels. :)


Cute & fun. Poor sheep, I was a little disappointed the dog didn't find the wolf. 

Funny, wacky, a very nice entry in the jam. Where can I get a Mr. Meeseeks?