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A member registered May 16, 2022

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I hate to break this to you but cannibalism, gore, murder, and eating bunnies alive are, in fact, not safe for work.

First of all there's five endings. Second of all, you do realize that nsfw includes stuff like murder, cannibalism, and eating bunnies alive (all three are different endings btw)

what do you want Molly to do? get plastic surgery to make herself ugly just for a horror game?

am i the only one who can't find a way to turn the turbine on? I even used the hotspot thing with tab to see if I'm missing something and... nothing. I have examined everything, interacted with everything multiple times and used the tool box with everything multiple times

i watched markiplier play it and thought to try it myself, this time choosing to go up unlike him, and yet I can't get past the big water room, it keeps pushing me down into the water whenever I try to go up into the next room.

this game made me watch the movie and must I say, both are so amazing! egg/10 would hatch again