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A member registered Jun 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really great music, its impressive you made it yourself. I love the theme of this game, it so unique and entertaining and the little civilians are quite funny with how they stand there asking for help and then as soon as you say hi to them they just walk off to safety.

I did struggle with the wall jumping but I think that is just me not having played games with wall jumping for a while so I am rusty (I hope otherwise it is quite embarrassing). Also, for the tutorial consider including the space bar along with the Z key for jump as I think quite a few people prefer using the space key (I know the space key does jump it’s just the game not telling you about it)

Such a great concept, the game is great. I love how the tutorial is also pop ups that you need to close, it made sure I knew how to play the game before I was thrust into pop up hell.

A very nice little game, it had me laughing when I got to the main menu. Only issue is that it never tells you that it is RMB to resize yourself.

This is a really nice game, the taking orders impressed me because not only do you take the orders as the dragons would give them to you (shape -> colour -> etc) but also you can hang them on the line at the top.

The putting the ingredients into the mold phase is also really cool. I just love that there are little instructional posters and books for how to do the tasks and how they fit into the game world so perfectly.

Firstly, thanks for the nice feedback. Secondly this feature was made by my team member bluebloo (you can find more of her work here: if you are interested) however I do understand how it works so I will do my best to explain it.

Firstly create an empty game object to hold the word that will float around. Next add an empty child object for each letter in your word and on these child objects add a TMP Text for the letter (you can find a 3D TMP text under the 3D Object section in the create menu).

Next comes the coding part, on your main parent object you will want to add two scripts, one that had it float off (this is just a movement script) and another one to trigger the animations on the letters.

For the animation triggering script you will want to add a reference to each child object with the TMP children on them. Then in a coroutine loop through all of the child objects triggering their little "jump" with a WaitForSeconds in the loop, this will give the wave effect you can see in game.

For the actual animation there are a few ways you can do it such as with an actual animation and animator or alternatively you can just write a script to move the letter up and down manually with a function and then trigger that function.

Sorry for such a long explanation, I hope it explains how to do the ribbit and if not then dont hesitate to ask any questions you may have.