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Crystal Clear Games

A member registered Jan 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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We're sorry the game didn't load. I just tested the game on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge and they work just fine.

Glad you liked it. Also, we are aware of the attack and repair key problem and we are planning on fixing it after voting ends.

Thank you for your comment. We noticed the bugs. We plan on fixing these bugs after the voting period ends. Also, I have no idea how the attack and repair keys (e and r) got switched to the old ones we were using (r and t). That will probably be the first thing we fix. Thanks again.

Glad you liked the idea. We knew everyone was going to do classical mythology, so we decided to do Paul Bunyan. We are going to do a bit of bug fixing after the voting period ends. Thanks for the comment.

We're glad you liked it.

Glad you liked it. Also, yes, the SAM sites tracking you was intentional. We decided it would help create a feeling of dread knowing if you get locked on, there will be no escape. Thanks for playing.