Alright then I will try to figure out how to do that after I finish this sneak peek so that way I post them both at the same time. Thanks for telling me!
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No sadly not. I tried to make them the same but due to the way I make the scenes using images, every time I try to set the current sneak peak version to the browser it keeps telling me that there are too many images. So if you want to play with the current sneak peak version with part of the next zone then you need to download it. I hope that maybe sometime in the future I can find a way to fix that issue but as of right now won't allow me to use it as the browser version.
That is great however, you may be waiting for a bit as I decided to skip the lake area as it is a bit too small for me to lock some features up for the sneak peek. And the desert area is probably going to be one of the biggest areas in the game and I am still not done with drawing the scenes and most of the characters there. And on top of that I still have to make the new events inside the second half of the desert to get ready for the probably the last area of the game.
Woops it would seem like I made a error after my failed attempt at making it so the website version could play the sneak peek update lol. Give me a moment and I can try to fix it (By the way android has special sparkle areas that help with traversing the water parts as it turns out that you can't swim on android)
Yea I don't know what is going on as I just made a new save and fought the first two monsters in the first part of the forest and if anything I one shotted the snake man. Of course I did notice that without the gear from the chest in the house that I couldn't win. As I equipped the fire tome and staff and sword and I simply used a fire ball spell and won the snake man fight with ease. So I am going to assume that you may have missed the chest or forgotten to equip the items and I don't blame you as I should have added a event that makes it so you have to get the chest before being able to leave.
In order to be able to talk to the guys you need to defeat them. And if you select the correct choices then they will join you at your home. Of course it may be a bit hard to tell who is who as I have no experience in pixel art and I don't really know how to make sprites for the pixel part of the game. Also some monster guys do have a different method of getting them to come to your home. However, for the most part with the exception of the worm guy all monsters in the forest area just need to be defeated once and then they will join your home!
Thank you for telling me about this as it seems like I forgot to change the final price in the text as I changed the price for what you actually need. So for now you can gather up 10000G while I wait for more potential glitches to be reported before launching a patch as downloading and uploading updates take a bit of time for me and is probably annoying for whoever downloads this game too. But don't worry I already fixed the minor mistake and saved my progress so I won't forget to do it later!
Sorry for the late reply but I am not planning on adding a gender selector, as I think that will require a lot more scripts that I simply don't feel like adding an will possibly lead to many glitches in the games code. Also on top of that I would need to remake all the current and future scenes for the game. Plus in all honesty I am not the best when it comes down to making females.
I wont lie I only played for a bit but so far I already found a few issues. One of them being is that I instantly got soft locked when I selected my class and that well this way have been because I used the candle cheat I accidentally found but when fighting the treant in the forest area it didn't go away after defeating it or trying to help it.
I am assuming you may have gone past where the demo was meant to end as I didn't realize this upon adding an update fix to the game but I do know that I did accidentally make it so you could go past the intended end zone. But the game is supposed to end after you beat the first boss and the secret boss. Currently the only areas that are supposed to be available is the forest related ones and Slethero's den. Anything after that is supposed to be off limits for now as they weren't that close to being done after I released this demo. I hope that I answered the question but if I misread this comment then I apologize and will try to find the glitch!
Im assuming you mean the worm guy. Well you can find him in Selthero's Den and instead of going down the rope, simple go to the right and you will find a small cave. Olive is super easy to defeat and he is one of those characters that sort of has no stat limits as long as you have the gold to pay for all his training. On top of that if you get his relationship high enough he will open up a shop.
Well the next three areas will be done in probably the next progress check or two. But if you are wondering when the full game will be done then it will be about three more areas before I am done possibly more if I want to add more depth to the story or simply want to make the game bigger but anyways hopefully I will be finished before the end of the year.
Alright so I couldn't figure out a way to make any other way to swim so instead to fix the issue I modified the map a little bit so anything in the water is close enough to be touched on land. And later in the Deep Forest there are green sparkles that will be able to teleport you to the islands since you cannot swim! (Sorry but the plug in I am using doesn't have mobile support!) Make sure to get the Mobile version for all of this.