Heya, I really enjoyed this game :) thanks for making a giantess shooter (something I really needed).
My first question is: is this a finished product or will there be more levels added?
I seem to have finished the game and got the ending at lvl 13, however I see in the files that it goes until level16, which will mean there are files for 2 to 3 more levels, is this correct? (assuming lvl0 is the tutorial and perhaps one of those is the shop lvl)
Secondly, if the answer to my first question is that it will have additions. Will you expand on kinks as well? E.g. fart torture grab attack, feet smothering. these could be implemented without nudity (as this game is not going for nudity).
Lastly, also depending on the first question being a positive one. It would be good to think about replayability as well. I would love to see more done with the ultra giantesses, both the climbing mechanic and more boss battles. Like you can make the ultra giantess from the 6th level another boss.
You could make something like a boss rush where you have to face off these ultra giantesses and climb and destroy them before more spawn. (some additional ultra giantesses would be nice for this).
you could make an infinite mode, where more and more mobs spawn until you die.
Nonetheless, I still really enjoyed what this game offered me and I hope to see more.