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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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If you are playing a demo version there may be a potential bug blocking progress - however the demo ends almost immediately after anyway. If you are playing the official version it should progress automatically.

(2 edits)

Re: development process - Chapter 3 is only a couple of weeks from release. As far as everything else goes, I prefer not to talk too much about future plans at this time - though I will confirm that multiple endings are planned - and at this time pregnancy is not planned as a major plotline. (I won't rule out including it entirely as sometimes plans do change - but if it was included, it would be minor and not a major focus of the story)

My patreon page posts weekly updates for subscribers - as well as public posts whenever I have release info to announce. One such post was put up just a few hours ago - so if you don't want to subscribe but want to be notified of release info, feel free to follow the page (Or my twitter - @cskingames). Other than that I'll always post a small dev blog on release day here on itch.

Will it be on Steam? Yes.... beyond that I can't actually provide any details since nothing has been nailed down yet, and I don't wish to provide information that might change before then. So all I can confirm for now is it will be on Steam - other details are yet to be determined.

Significantly, yes.

For the next month? First working on Steam release. Then I'll be putting together a full gameplay walkthrough. After that? Nothing I'm ready to announce yet. Some time after the walkthrough is complete I'll be ready to announce any future plans on my patreon page.

Depends what you mean by "beginning". The Intro scene is "The Tyrant" by Kevin MacLeod. The "intro" (opening credits) is "Hold On" by Myuu. The music on the main menu is "Take Me Higher" by CJbeards - his music is used fairly extensively, and can be found on youtube (just search youtube for CJbeards, he makes some good stuff). 

Also note: all music is available (song name and artist) via the music player on the main menu.

(1 edit)

I can't do it in comments, but if you can contact me on discord (link is on the main page) I can sort this out pretty quickly for you. Discord name is "Noping"

If you are having problems please contact me on discord and I'll sort it out for you.

There is not. I had considered creating one to go with the Chapter 7 release, but that's a bit away, and have no plans to make one before that - doing so is a pretty significant time investment, and for now I'd prefer to spend that time creating more content.


If you find any others, or want more info on being a "guinea pig", I can be contacted on discord - link to server is above, my name in discord is "noping"

It's not supposed to look like that at all. Thank you for this, i'll consider it a bug report. I personally do not own an android device, so I am unable to properly test the android version. I didn't know it looked like that there, so I'll take a look and see what I can do about improving it. 

(FYI on PC it's purple text, on a light grey background which is much more readable. I'll see if I can either change the text color, or the background color for android devices). 

In defense of some devs:

In general I agree. The concept of "show not tell" is important, and it's something people don't always grasp. That said, sometimes there's just no real choice.

For example, I can think of 2 particular scenes where I most definitely "told" and didn't show - this was unfortunately, purely due to technical limitations. In a perfect world, we'd all have unlimited budgets, with the best hardware, but unfortunately that's rarely the case. 

It sucks, but sometimes as devs, despite the vision, we're at the mercy of budgetary limitations, particularly because all but a very small number of devs do this part time as a hobby - very few make enough money to pursue it full time. The truth is, the majority are amateurs just trying their best to put together something they hope people enjoy. Sometimes we succeed, and sometimes we fail. 

Me personally? This is my first attempt into what I hope will be a long series of games - my honest hope is that this one is enjoyable to people, and also the worst one I'll produce. 

Of course not ever game is going to be a masterpiece, in fact some will unfortunately suck - and some people ultimately just won't be cut out for this. But for my part, I'll keep trying to improve, keep trying to see what I can do better, and hopefully create something I can be proud of. 

If I have the opportunity, I want to add a stats screen (accessible from phone) that will show those stats, as well as relationship values with various characters. There's no reason for them to be hidden, I just have trouble with the actual UI element design part of it. 

It's on the list to be added, it's just a matter of figuring out how to design it first. 

If I can't (or don't have time to) design the entire UI, what I'll end up doing is adding a little counter up on the top of the screen (that will only show up during that part of the game) that will display the values. 

Yea - I'm not very good at web design. It's definitely one of those things I fail at. I do agree though - I changed the font to be a little more readable, and the color to be a little less bright. Hopefully that helps.