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A member registered Oct 31, 2021

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there is a secret fifth box in the end.

dumb dumb


i think there is a game in the glitch

the game is the bug.

go in a corner on a box, box jump to the ceiling and flick the mouse upwards

Outside the map.

how do lvl 4


u only got 3? i did all 5!

how'd you get the gold box bruh

only 2? i brought all 5!

oh yeah that is unintentional, i made it with all 5 boxes using that method

i made it with the secret gold cube and the other four

it has secret ending tho so when you beat it, it's not fully beaten

(2 edits)

i found a gold cube.

(1 edit)

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░░░╚═╝░░░ ╚═╝░░╚═╝ ╚═╝ ░╚════╝░ ░╚════╝ also, on lvl 15 when i jump out, the game explodes with squares


it's REALLY laggy

i don't have enough money, and you spelled the word really wrong

i can't play it, i'm on chrome OS

i can't play the game.

i am on chrome OS, I CAN'T PLAY IT