you guys did an amazing job. Your hard worked paid off. You guys should definitely be super proud ❤️
Recent community posts
ah ok ok. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try to upgrade my perception. Cause I think I did too much with the appearance and my stats are too unbalanced 😭 (Mind you, my appearance is 33 and the rest of my stats don’t even break into double digits) so I lost a lot of stat rolls. Definitely should have put more thought into this
Do you know how to meet the parharma….praharma?….guy on the third level of Akira….Akra (im blanking)
you seem extremely knowledgeable with this game. I’ve sided with Bio-Tech, Garth is the more moral choice so yeah, got little alien guy from The Pulse and Zyron is in my team too now, I need to upgrade a certain stat to meet the “stranger” in the alley on the second city level, but it always says attribute role fail, what attribute level do I need and for what stat? I’m stuck on this game otherwise
Right? This game is WAYY more detailed and in depth than I thought it would be. Multiple species and planets, characters and the storyline is actually interesting, rare for a “poon” game to have such detail to it. Love this game (also the Ship’s Ai is my favourite, he’s so funny 😭)
though I’m still on the second level of Akira, haven’t met the second Praharma yet, still stuck there after the Bio-Tech/New Life thing
I need help with the second level, I did the elevator thing, to find the second Praharma, haven’t met him yet, but I need to wander around the second city level to find someone. But when I met them. I can’t see them cause it says attribute roll failed
what attribute level do I need to complete this? Cause I can’t advance through the story without it 😭 I need to know what I have to upgrade to meet this mysterious figure
Note: I’ve sided with Bio-Tech, helped Garth and bugman take down New Life, went up the elevator, haven’t met Diego yet cause he’s always not available.
I sided with New Life second, I sided with Bio-Tech and then preloaded the save to see how it was siding with New Life. New Life gives you 2 mil for helping them, Bio-Tech gives you 1 mil. Though the crew do react a lot better when you side with Bio-Tech, and there’s less fall out if you side with Bio-Tech
If you like Garth? Then I’d suggest siding with Bio-Tech. Spoilers!
Garth doesn’t make it if you side with New Life, you basically kill him and majority of his kind if you side with New Life. Honestly other than the money, Bio-Tech seems the more moral choice
Xperiment, this game is freaking awesome 😭. You did an amazing job with it, the lore is so extensive and I love how vast the story is, how many characters there are, how many different species and planets are in this game is still so surprising
also the ship’s Ai? I named him Jason, and he’s so funny, I love him 😭. He’s so sassy, it’s always fun whenever he’s in the story. Love him, probably my favourite character in the game. The story is amazing and the level of detail and explanation for species and planets, man you could make a series out of this. This game is awesome 11/10
wish I found this game sooner 🙌