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A member registered Nov 04, 2017

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The true mystery is what happened to typo heroes childhood friend...or did i miss a big chunk of updates

Probably when they're done with this one

Lol, carter is usually the name i give characters in these sort of games when asked what their name is.

Nothing to do with the creepypasta, it's just what i do

Fellow prototype comparison people

mine was prototype. Because his abilities up to that point made me think of that game. But it really didn't hold up in the long run

I'm curious, what superhero names do u give the MC? Either badass fitting ones or goofy names for a steve

sakuya being crazy came out of nowhere for me. nothing special happened and then she starts harassing the cafe owner for me and Saito acts like her acting like this is a normal thing and he's terrified of her, when for me she's done absolutely nothing before this to imply that this is usual behavior. when saito realized it was her and said how they're in deep shit now, I actually thought he was talking about minato since at least he was implied to be unstable.

so idk if i missed a route that was supposed to show this more or if the writing for her needs to be fixed up

Sounds like it's time to dust off the classic windows 3d movie maker

The game gives me the impression he's average strength. Which is wierd because he does fight demons

lol, figured it's a new girl or a new scene. I guess they've felt it's been awhile since the last update that gave us a new penetrative sex scene 

Probably means actual penetration

I see, I feel like to understand this better I'm gonna need a further break down of these terms like busts (I'm guessing, they don't mean boobs). I can already see you turning this into a text book chapter 😆

Despite having no interest i  game development, I'm actually curious what goes into each section of the progress bar. Like whats the difference between prepoduction code, art and production code and art

That's good

For the sake of argument. Befire the game came out, they did say it would be free on release. So going back on that does leave a bad taste. But yeah, I've since got over that and the onky reason i haven't bought the game is because of procrastination

I know it's a demo. just in case that it was gonna be like this in the main version though

My only issue that i found with the game so far is how quickly the girls were to be lewd to him. I like a bit more build up and work for my reward

I think the "thing" has something to do with typo hero being added to the cast...or is that just me subconsciously wanting your next project to be about typo hero

For ideaa of a good math minigame, u should check "summer time memories". It was simple grade schooler math questions, but done in a way that still required using my head so i got some stimulation from it. Even the dishes minigame required quick comprehension to do while still being very simple

no not Gundam size...Timber Wolf sized

so far so good. really looking forward to seeing how this game goes and what is added to it

So throughout this game i was constantly wondering when is it going to turn out not so lighthearted (you're with the devil, it was never gonna be simple). and then the reveal of your adult self, and holy shit I want to see where this is going

I get the feeling that those are planned, but much further down  the line

Honestly, I'm interested in the gamer friend she has who seemed interested in her brother since they first met

After how long the last update took. It feels surreal seeing the progress fly by

i've said this before but this game REALLY NEEDS more music variety. the music we have is good for default daily life stuff. but I just had an epic beam struggle in the academy...that should NOT be the music playing.

Darx, i recommend looking up corrupted kingdoms also on itch, if u want to see some examples of music and context

he worded it like a complete asshole yes. But that's a thing a lot of people do. Wait several updates so they can get more content when they come back. I did it when act 3 started

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This is the curse of having climax scenes not be a white flash and then put another jizz clip on the girl. Those alone have to be an insane amount of work and could even make the majority of a single update.  

But holy shit does the effort show and will look great in the final finished version. I mean the climax when the mom is getting u to climax into a jar was god damn jaw dropping from a technical and visual POV. And i don't even have any knowledge or experience in any of that stuff

I like me some lolis but theres few platforms that could make that financially feasible

No it doesn't.  I like the game, but i feel the development has gone too long without adding to sound and music

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I like this game, but it REALLY needs some more music. The one non-stop looping tune gets old

Edit: seriously. Get the ritual sex scene with Dianna. And the following scene should DEFINITELY have different music then that playing

I won't kink shame u. But I actually wouldn't enjoy lewd scenes with the kids. I actually love the kids in a way that isn't like that. 

Just like the guy with an eyepatch who's name eludes me now. There's been options for votes to have him transform into a fem version and and give him a sex scene. But I would actually hate that since it really doesn't mesh with his personality or interactions with the MC.

Ok, i guess i was hoping to see the the other college girls like mask girl and the other 3

When i go to the college in act 3, i can only interact with madison and veronica. I remember something awhile back stating a reward for getting the college grades high enough before act 3. Did i mess something up?

A sneaky mention of Patreon remained in the game. I did to it what Patreon tried to do to the kids.

...try to imply you had sex with it?

there's been a huge wave of bans on patreon for adult game. Basically finding every reason they can to remove any sort of pornography. They were probably a victim of it

not sure about steam. The maker of "goodbye eternity" was rejected on steam because he had an underage girl in his game. A girl that had zero sexualization or any future plans to sexualize

Welp, i tried to subscribe to your subscribestar but it won't let me since i need to confirm my email and they haven't sent the verification code to me yet

I do believe another adult game couldn't get on steam because there was a underaged girl in it.ceven though there was no sexual scenes with her. Or had any planned

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Good u aren't getting rid of them. Since alice is one of the most interesting characters/ dynamics and the most interesting part of Chloe. I actually might have dropped the game if u gutted everything like that. Seriously, now that I actually stop and think about it, the kids mechanics are pretty damn well rooted into the game to the point that EVERYTHING now changes.

Well, in terms of income u could always try streaming creation sessions on how u make the artwork. I hear the name Kofi dropped in other streams I watch. I think when the engine changes, we should get a before and after look at the pics. If for no other reason then to rip off the bandaid