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A member registered Mar 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Oh weird, thanks for letting me know. I'll check it out and see what's causing it

There isnt a way to skip a minigame, are you talking about the runner one? You can hold space to continue jumping (the jumps are timed to that you continuously jump over spikes)

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Thanks for letting me know! I will make sure the next update fixes this issue. I also made sure that as the timer decreases, the movement increases in the minigames. There is also a cap on the difficulty, which is about 1/3 of max time

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Damn that's really good! I don't know if I even managed to get a score like that on Hardcore 😅

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That was awesome!! Great job! Got the good (bad) ending 😅

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Thank you! 🤍 I had a ton of fun making this game, glad to hear it was worth it! (Lets see how far you can get in Hardcore mode 😈)

Currently there is no plan to have additional language options, but I have considered it

Unfortunately there isn't

Here's a video that should solve the issue:

Hope this helps, cheers!

That means a lot, thank you!

As long as youre playing on the same computer and profile, your saved data will automatically transfer. Also, thank you so much for considering supporting me on Patreon :)

Perfect :) thanks again for letting me know of the bug!

I just updated the files and the Auto-Crawling should work now! Let me know if there are still any bugs!

Thanks for letting me know! I think I was able to fix the issue on the Patreon version, and I thought I fixed it on this version as well. But I'll take a look and let you know when I update the files with the bug fixed!

The only change is the chicken legs are sandwiches. Other than that, it's the same

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That would be great thank you! If you click on my profile icon then click the message icon, you can send me a direct message

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Are you using Windows or Mac, and are you playing the Better Performance version? (I can try re-uploading the Survival Guide to see if that helps.) Alternatively, I can send you JPGs of the Guide if you have a Google Drive account. If you would rather do that, send me a private message on Weight Gaming with your email you use for Google and I can send them to you

What happens when you try to open it? (Its a pretty big PDF file so it might take some time to open)

Glad youre enjoying it so far :)

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Sadly no, Joiplay is dedicated to RPGMaker and Renpy (among a few others) but I design my games from the ground up using Unity, so it wont function on Joiplay. However, I will make an APK version for android once the game is completely developed

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I think I know what youre talking about actually, I had a few glitches with the dialogue because I re-coded it (before I used duplicates on both sides, but ended up removing that to help improve performance) I think I got it working in the newest version. But this version on Itch may have a few of those glitches unfortunately

Backward dialogue? Where does this happen in the chapter and I can definitely fix it!

Voluptuous Fantasy and The Heft Effect will both get Android versions once they are built.

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The full version unlocks the ending, along with New Game+, a minigame, and other content.

If you are using the same computer, save files transfer over, so you can start off with the demo and go to the full version later.

Solace is in the full version. Buying the full version helps supports me so I can continue making games ☺️

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Does the game freeze when this happens, or completely crash? Also, are you playing on the normal version or the 'BetterPerformance' version? (The BetterPerformance version helps with crashes.)

Also, in the Settings, you can toggle Motion Blur and Particle Effects. (Dust) Let me know if that helps :)

My next two projects, The Heft Effect and Voluptuous Fantasy, will get an Android port when they are finished


It's ready!

Thank you so much! I hope you play the fuck outta it :)

It's taking a bit longer than I thought, they recently added a second review they need to make 😓 but it will be put onto Steam as soon as it's ready!

Supporting helps me continue developing games! 🤍

I am! Steam has to review the DLC first before I can release it, then it will be added for free (should be released within the next few days)