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A member registered Nov 22, 2021

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Thanks for playing!! This was our first attempt at a game and we had so much fun and we learned so much. It was fun to watch you play it!! We have a lot of work to do with the story - plus it really should have subtitles but we ran out of time! 

Great job! I like the art style and the creepy little touches here and there! I'd really like to play this again when you add music and sound. You have a cool idea here!!

Cool style! The music is so catchy, so I found myself groovin' to it. Everything is very trippy too! I think I found all the endings. Once I found an ending though, I tried to replay and replicate and wasn't able to - so I don't know how I did it. Maybe add a help guide or hint guide? Overall - cool idea!

Great job! Everything looked really awesome. I feel bad for poor Granddad all alone :( After finishing the game I found your post on Discord to make sure I understood the story. Interesting storytelling! 

You did a great job for your first time using UE! I liked the ending. You have a powerful and interesting story here, great job! I liked all of the comments that you put in for the empty houses on the street. I got stuck in the hallway closet (lol) but I quit and went back into the game. I'm glad I finished it! Keep making games :) 

I really had fun with this game. I loved the unique concept involved and the puzzles were fun. Great job with this!