Cursed Chasm team has sent you a request. Bugman#1418
Cursed Chasm
Recent community posts
Cursed Chasm is two weeks into development with two active programmers on team. We're looking for more help to pump this game along as fast as possible. The game itself is a 2D moba/fighter that takes place in a chasm. Two teams of four spawn on opposing ends of this chasm, and fight their way down until one team loses all of their life reserves. Once one team has perished -- a boss encounter spawns at the bottom of the Chasm giving the victorious team a chance to win twice.
Are you familiar with source control?
How much time are you willing to commit weekly?
Contact Bugman#1418, or post your questions below.
Team of six (two programmers) seeking networker to assist us in project. Start out on a hobbyist basis, and then if we're all feeling the collaboration: contractual revenue share.
Must have experience with Unity, must have experience with Source Control. Bugman#1418 on discord for more swift responses.
Our game, Cursed Chasm, is in dire need of a networker. We don't have the barebones of the game programmed yet, but are looking to wipe our project to relaunch it with networking in mind. If you're willing to work for contracted revshare, please contact me on Discord via Bugman#1418
Our team currently consists of 5 programmers, two experienced. We're building the game in Unity.
We have three artists, and one animator.
If you have any idea where I can find a networker, even a paid one, please let me know below. If you have any questions about the game, please ask them. We're also looking for a map designer.
Bugman#1418 has sent you a friend request on Discord.
We're the Elytra team, and we've began our project "Cursed Chasm" four days ago. It's a PvP sidescroller. We're very interested in obtaining your artistic abilities, as we currently employ the power of a single artist, and she's needing some help. We have no animators.