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I think he's/she's talking about DEMO, that there is no reason to dowloand it. But about v2, he's/she's maybe is talking about that half-full version on the Google Play, where you Can pay to get more features or Play with half of features, about adding it instead of DEMO on Because i would like, if DEMO would be replaced with Half-Full, idk how others, but DEMO, Is Kiiiiinda booring. Idk.
Hi JokuPelle! Merry Christmas! 🎄
So I have a small question, about the game of course. - AOF (Ages Of Conflict) are more optimized for PC (Computer), on phone there's bugs ( I think) and it's pretty laggy. And how I said it's more optimized for PC. Almost all shortcuts all more optimized for computers, but shortcuts are shortcuts. They are normally optimized for computers. Will there be more things for phones? Because even my... Trash computer is laggy with DEMO! It's more about future, but if there's nothing to do it's ok. Just there are people who ONLY have phones. Looks like this question wasn't small.
- NightKitty, - #Peace, #Ukraine, #StopTheWar.
No, no, no, and no! (And also no! :).)
Weel that`s what i think... 1. If crossing will be replaced with these white dots, then armies are black dots. On crossing`s armies look preety normal, v. But Black dots on White dots would look weird. Plus, it will look, and be out of place if there will be like 100 ships, and even if they every war time will need to go to sea (To land and do other things too.) ... This will be the same that Jupiter Will Be Where Mars Is. (Get it?). 2. (My 2nd favorite game, after this one!), have a little the same thing. - Click where ship, to go, relase ship to open sea, and hope that it`s people (Or money call it how you want.), will not end and it (Ship.), will be landed. But is more strategy game. - This one is simulator!!! Just spawn, start world war, and watch. Or use tools, and/or God Mode. Crossings are crossing! ... 3.!!!!! When you make a map, (So like never.), ,that uhh, i forgot name, uuuuuuh, oh yea, crossings, look... Normal. But imagine placing crossing and insted of that, there will be just a lot of white dots. White dots just don`t go to style we know today in this game. I like it how it is. And it`s okay. Okay? Weel, bye! Oh, i typed this, thinked, and customized this for so-o long!!!
- NightKitty - #Peace #Ukraine #StopTheWar.