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CW Gamer Productions

A member registered Mar 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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The whole project was corrupted, I wish I could though

Amazing....just amazing

When I tried to build the next part for my game, it didn't work sayin there was an error in something but i never told me what. I looked throughout everything i could, i even tried  to delete somethings but it didn't work. It's still untouched today, without being opened in a while.

Yeah, and this was made during the time where i barely knew anything about making games but thanks for the comment lol

Thanks bro, you too :)

Thanks man, your doing great and I can't wait to see what comes next, and who knows, you just might be the first to find out ;)

Thank you! I just hope I can remake it again!, I'll make sure to check out your game!

Hey, the game is amazing and has so much potential, but make sure to worry about function more than looks. The look of the game is great and you can do so much, but it get bring over time. If you can, try to make the physics gun so you can interact with objects and pose the ragdoll. Again, the game looks awesome and I can't wait to see what comes next!

I'm sorry to say but gmod in unity is cancelled because the files got corrupted. I hope I can try again in the future but for now, there will be no updates tp the game or anything.

(2 edits)

I will make sure to add all of these! I will definitely add a spawn menu later in the future, but it’s in its alpha stage so it won’t be added until later down the road, Thank you so much for the Ideas!

Read the controls in the txt file labeled Control

Thank you :)

Thank you so much, I hope you don't get caught ;)

This game is amazing! I loved it and I think this might be one of my favorite games in this entire jam! Amazing job!

Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed the game, I'd love to play your game!

Yeah, I tried to reveal that it was a simulation in the beginning but I knew some people wouldn't get that so that's why I added that ending. Thank you

Thank you, I'm sorry there wasn't a lot, I'm planning on working on The Parasite more because I would like it to be a full game. Thank you!

Opps, I stayed up all night and I think I accidentally marked mac, im so sorry

The game is incredible. In the beginning the camera was a little weirder than it was in later levels but other than that, I loved the game.

This game was actually really fun, I love the mechanics and everything about it. You made the game so simple but made it so fun. I hope to see other games you make with these same mechanics. Amazing Job!

This game is amazing! There is nothing I don't like about this game! Amazing Job!

This game is great and I'm amazed at how long it took you to make this. The movement system is a little buggy but other than that, I love i

This game is really fun, I enjoyed it!

yea lol, I was making this for a game jam but i didn't finish in time lol


I can't believe my next game for One Night at Remi's is going to come out soon!!! Ok but I will tell you the release date because that is why you are reading this. Drum roll please ..... July 13 2021. I hope you guys enjoy this next game. There isn't a lot to it but there is some lore to discorver.

Best Wishes, CW Gamer

Hey guys this the creator of the game One Night at Remi's and I wanted to let everyone know that there is a secret ending hidden in the main menu and idk if anyone figured it out yet but it is near Remi. The secret ending contains what happens after you leave, so if you want some juicy lore then go find it.

You Can Do It,   CW Gamer

Ok I hope you enjoy it. Btw there will be more games than this that are bigger and better in the future, who knows maybe you might be able to get a sneak peak of it.

It isn't lie the original game because you don't have any tasks, but your able to walk around and explore the house. It doesn't have  a lot because i just wanted to make it for fun but I hope you like it

Best Wishes, CW Gamer

I hope you guys enjoy this game because it took a while for me to make and a lot of effort.

Best wishes, CW Gamer

oh im sorry about that. What type of computer do you have so i can make it compadable  with your computer?

Thank you and i will be making updates to the game. I hope you stay with me as i keep on developing the game,

Best Wishes, CWGamer1

Hey this is the creator of Carton Head. I let out a broken game because i wanted to get the game out sooner but i will make updates, 

        Thx, CWGamer