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A member registered Sep 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!

The setting I'm aiming for is a sort of cyberpunk one, although the prototype really isn't really reflective of that. I've also updated the prototype with some changes, mainly to the battle UI but walls have also been added to the map so feel free to check it out if you'd like.

It crashes after the freeze, you can also see what appears to be a white blood texture that turns red when I go back to gib the 3rd body.

It's rough, but it seems like you've got a decent base for a shooter here. Keep working at it!

Also please lower the amount of sway while walking in Glasshouse, it's a bit excessive.

Fun little retro styled shooter, visuals are spot on. Played with the Vulkan renderer and experienced no visual glitches.

Found some bugs/weird things while playing on Windows. If you want me to record footage of any of these let me know.

-On the first level if you kill the first 3 enemies and gib at least 2 of their bodies with the shotgun and then shoot the skull door the game will crash.

-Sometimes when hitting dead bodies the blood splatters will be white. I've only seen it happen on the first enemies.

-Moving diagonally against certain walls will cause the player to stop. You can see this in the very first room you spawn in.

-If you walk into the inside of a corner and begin to jitter, you can sprint and then crouch to get stuck in the slide motion. You'll still be able to look around and shoot but you'll be unable to move. Loading a save will leave you still frozen in place as well, unless the player is airborne or partially on a ledge I believe.

-I was able to jump through an upwards moving elevator by jumping when it began to go up, but replicating it was a bit inconsistent.

-Had the same mouse sensitivity issues that everyone else has when trying the glcoal.exe but it was fine when playing with the vkcoal.exe

-The plasma rifle inspection animation takes up too much screen space. This isn't a bug but it was a bit annoying when walking up the stairs.

-I was able to clip through a slope once while jumping down it and was stuck, but could never replicate it. Wasn't recording while playing so I can only give you a clip of me already in it.

Hope this helps!