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jinx !

A member registered Mar 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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I am also encountering this issue, not sure what to do about seeing as every download only seems to redirect me to the base game

this game is a wonderfully haunting mix of all too real, and scarily out of body. the act of watching someone go through something so horridly and deeply unsettling but also so familiar, whether as an inner dialogue or a mirrored experience, it leaves a hollow and burnt feeling in your stomach, endings giving you a sense of emptiness that feels so completely incomplete, exactly as many of these experiences are; they never end, they never resolve, they only cease momentarily, resigned to the fact they will begin once again, but when? the voice acting is both quiet and fatal, gripping your breath within your throat and leaving you wondering when it gets worse, when will they snap. 
the art holds a simplistic beauty, it doesn't complicate or overwhelm the story to the point where it's cluttered or too much is happening, giving way to what truly matters: the pain every choice brings, whether passive or otherwise.

i give the game 10 very funky's and 10 very fresh's