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A member registered Dec 12, 2019

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And I think this is also a bug: Currently each monster takes at most 1x Mesh damage at a time, even if they are literally in a mesh of Meshes.

I ran into a bug where after upgrading a Bomb Tower that covers the entrance as well as the exit, the tower keeps firing at the exit even though there are only monsters entering from the entrance. Very strange. 

(1 edit)

Just some random thoughts. Hope it helps. :

  1. I don't have the greatest computer, but I had low FPS despite a low graphics settings. There are possibly memory leaks as the game keeps getting slower.
  2. Enemy deck quality is too random. The first run I played I ran into a Champion on the ~4th room. It kept spamming that deals 6 damage ability from like turn 3 and I couldn't do anything. It is also common to fight against some cost-2 4|7 minions on the first floor while the floor-2 final boss being a complete pushover.
  3. Some obvious crafting balancing issues, for example:
    1. Exhaust active skill's cost is too low compared to Summon active skill cost. Minions can even activate Exhaust effects mid-fight, making the former has also everything the latter has to offer and much more
    2. Increase mana pool is too cheap. I once got a cost-0  spell that increases mana pool twice. 
    3. Exhume spells easily creates infinite loop, but they can be dirt cheap in term of mana. Insane combined with increase mana. 
    4. Discard and deal damage equal to cost is a bit too powerful: Craft a cost-20 card and bust your opponent. 
  4. The Warrior feels particularly underpowered. Although the starting deck has some synergy, the benefits it offers is only on par with better cards at best, making the class inferior to the Adventurer, who may RnG good cards. For example, you can craft cost-1 3|3 cards , a highly desirable substitute for the starters. Extra health also only delays the inevitable if you are overwhelmed on the field.
  5. Inclarity. For example, it is quite confusing when you say "when you discard cards". Whether it means when I discard my cards, when I discard my opponents' cards, or when my opponent makes me discard my cards, or any combination of the above, or even if it is limited to discarding hands. Counter target minion spell is another enigma. 

Maybe I am doing it wrong but the game eventually gets very lag as the number of monsters grow and becomes unplayable.  

That being said, the art is nice and the gameplay is great. 

"The initial idea was to have cards with different effects..."

You really need that! My opinion is that there is nearly no strategy in the currrent gameplay because:

  1. The enemy always has better cards (more points) after a few battles, and that if a card has more point than  what it faces, if all of its points are attack points, it always out-damage its opponent.
  2. There is no way for the player to plan-ahead: they cannot see what cards their future opoonents have or choose which opponent to fight next. 

"The objective is to carefully choose your cards according to the opponent's cards."

The choice is simple school math: taking the expected net damage of a card by assuming equal probability of it facing any of the opposing cards, plus perhaps tkaing into account HP ratio. 

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I got stuck and couldn't continue because (I think) either I 'give up' picking a booster or I drafted 'Silver Key' (the spell that skips the next level). It didn't move on to the next level and there is no continue button. 

Otherwise pretty fun :)

Seems quite fun, but I had low FPS even on the menu screen.

Cannot see my cursor on Web.

Sorry for the late reply. 

I played again today. Still no Orange spawned (not at game start but after game started when tiles got destroyed and refilled, in case I was not specific enough).

I also don't think I killed myself with Orange tiles because that was one of the few games I cleared all Orange tiles very early. I have always been meticulous not to choose any power-ups that randomizes tiles, but I think I did have the randomize power-up colours perk.

Yes, I did try to watch the death replay, but it was so small I could not make out what powers I used before I died. I suggest, in addition to a larger replay screen, a textual log of what happened; the skill names above the character overlap and can be rather difficult to read.

But of course the queuing bug is the first priority. May my feedback be helpful at all :).

Is Orange not spawning an intended feature? Orange-related upgrades feels pretty useless. Also I recommend highlighting selected tile differently to hovered tile - sometimes my clicks are not registered properly and the UI failed to convey that.

I think a turn-based mode should be implemented in addition to the real-time mode. It helps new player to study enemies and understand  game mechanics. For example, I died because I 'angered the gods', but I did not even know what happened.

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I play the web version on Firefox. Saving occasionally does not work even though it says game saved. It did not seem to save on Chrome at all.

The art and the theme are great, but there is a lot to improve in terms of game-play. 

Firstly, the pace of the game is too fast. New players are not given the time to learn the game: Not only that all cards appear right from the beginning, as OddMess pointed out, but also that the constant influx of monsters deny any time to read the cards, devise plans, and play strategically. Even as I paused the game by opening the menu, the menu itself blocked the card zoom-ins.

Secondly, card balance is rather off, particularly:

  • Khepri's Spear is too weak. As an early building (it cannot be upgraded) it is only ~1/3 better than Horus's Archery in DPS but double in price.
  • Heket's Obelisk is next to unusable on its own. For every enemy the tower(s) kill, the player will have to remove a Curse - that was all I could do the only time I tried using it, and I had to take care not to play Spells accidentally too. Even if there is a Thot Consecration, it is going to be buried in tens of Curses once the deck reshuffle.
  • Amon-Ra's Tower is a terrible starting choice and is not that strong late game that can persuade me to include it in my already rolling deck.

I beat normal difficulty full health with Apophis's Archery Tower alone, plus a few +dmg spells from Tauoret, and Horus's Reload. I did not find any incentive to mix Towers. 

But then again, nice ideas there. Keep up the good work!

The idea is novel and brilliant. Nonetheless I have a few suggestions: 

  • The card-playing process is too random. Having no means to improve my chance of getting 11, I find the best strategy to be spamming cards, which is not engaging and frustrating with bad luck. I suggest instead of directly playing the cards they draw, the player has a way, like catching or shooting power-up bubbles they've drawn with the fighter, to select which power-ups to apply.
  • The deck building process is too random as well. Some cards poison your deck, for example 10 busts with any cards except 1. After the first few waves I did feel my deck improved, but thereafter I am forced to accept cards that are useless if not harmful to my build. There is undoubtedly strategy element in keeping your deck clean, but better in building it strong.
  • Tune down screen-shake, preferably remove screen-shake upon enemy death so the player can have a better idea when they get hit.
  • The delete button (the bin) is redundant. Clicking has no effect outside delete mode(?).
  • Explain what the green bar at the top does.
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How-to-play suggestion: 

  • Destroy all enemies to complete a wave. 
  • After each wave you must choose to add a card to or remove a card from your deck.
  • In battle, play cards from your deck to power up. Common cards upgrade the specified stat for the specified amount. There are also special cards for you to discover.
  • Cards also add energy to your energy gauge. When your energy is exactly 11, the button to the left lights up; click it to absorb the played cards. This frees up your card slots such that you may play new power-ups. 
  • If your energy exceeds 11, you overcharge and all played cards are discarded.
  • If your card slots are full but your energy is under 11, delete cards to play new ones.

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object animationQueue:

unable to convert string "" to number
called from - gml_Script_duel_anim_queue_code_condition (line 35)
called from - gml_Object_animationQueue_Step_0 (line 42)

I was using the Marx starter pack and encountered the above crash quite frequently.

The game is cool, but the in-game instructions lack. There are 3 things to note:

(1) Although the instruction seems to suggest either killing the undead king or standing your ground, it is impossible to kill the king as Move Points don't recharge and your units can't reach him.

(2) 'Move' Points aren't actually for movements. Instead, any unit that runs into enemies while consuming Move Points are invincible and deals much more damage.
(3) You can tramp on two units with one 'move'.
After you notice these facts, the game is simple: Maximize your Move Points, always try to make moves that hit 2 enemies, make orders after the undeads are reanimated, and perhaps learn the hidden orders.