I think I have got everything to 100% now, it took me roughly 4 hours to go through all of the content with backtracking and talking to every NPC multiple times when I could.
I absolutely adored my stay in Wabika and it helped me have a pleasant evening after feeling a little gloomy throughout the day. This game is filled to the brim with charming little folk and before you know it you will find yourself immersed in their strange daily lives. I love the nonviolent approach. I also loved revisiting the village in winter which opened up different ways of moving around - and that everything I had planted the season before and the connections I had made were still there was such a nice touch! It truly felt like I had left an impact and made some friends.
If you need something comforting to play, give this one a try!
I can't believe this is a free game. I would absolutely pay to see this expanded on with an adventure for each season and perhaps even a way to visit and change your home, the West? But I totally understand that this is probably a project that's long been finished!
Thank you very much for making this.